Eva's coworker

In a film that didn't seem to waste a second of screen time on anything frivolous, I'm unsure of the relevance of the Christmas party scene where Eva's co-worker is nasty to her after she turns him down for a dance. Was this after the "big incident"? I got a little confused by the timeline at points.


Yes, this was after the Big Incident. He thought she'd be easy bc no one would touch her. He was rejected slightly and he went off on her. Also, very few people would even come to her defence bc of it too, I presume.


Oh I hated that coworker. Some people can't handle rejection. The timeline got me lost too at times but at least they used her hairlength as an indicator whether it was time before kids, after starting a family or the aftermath


Short hair Tilda = past
Longer hair Tilda = present

Easy to note the timelines once you notice this
