Do the power inconsistenes (and Darkseid losing) bother you?
This guy seems think he's funny. He's not. But when he stops trying to be a douche, he makes some points:
"In case it wasn’t obvious by now, this is my favorite part of the entire movie. And yet, while it rules unassailably and I’m currently updating my will to stipulate that my ashes somehow be scattered across it, this scene kind of ruins the movie. (As much as it can be ruined – we already know Darkseid isn’t going to play much of a role in the finale just by virtue of the fact that this is a four-year-old movie and the DC superhero films we’ve seen since then don’t even mention him.) Snyder is a master of accidentally undermining himself. He frequently introduces ideas and then chops their legs off like an axe-wielding god of myth two scenes later because he thought of something that would look totally bitchin’. For example, Man of Steel introduces a compelling dilemma forcing Superman (Henry Cavill) to choose between the survival of humanity and the survival of Krypton, but then buys it back entirely by having Supes and Zod (Michael Shannon) kill thousands of people in a bodacious fistfight."
"The problem is, how are we supposed to take Darkseid seriously as a threat after we watch him get completely demolished in his introductory scene by a character Wonder Woman killed in an earlier movie?"
I feel very similar about this entire scene and Darkseid in general. I did really enjoy the mythology melded with the space stuff. I have always liked how DC does that. That battle was fun and rich with mythology (both real mythology and DC's version of it). But Darkseid gets sent packing in the one and only time we see him in action; and it's his introduction too. *facepalm*
The first time we see Thanos in action, he humiliates the Hulk, Thor, and Loki. Darkseid? Gets his ass whooped and gets his ass whooped by a character Wonder Woman defeated. Now you can make the argument it wasn't Ares alone who beat him. If I remember correctly, Artemis hits him with an arrow, Zeus hits him with a bolt, and Ares delivers the final blow - so it technically took three gods to take him out - it's just that he essentially got hit 3 times and went down. Snyder failed at establishing him as a threat. I understand he had to lose because he doesn't take over Earth, but they should have made his encounter with the three gods be more difficult. Him losing to Zeus and his kids wasn't the problem, it's that it happened to easily. If the 3 of them beat the shit out of him, but really struggled, now THAT would have made him look badass.