MovieChat Forums > Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021) Discussion > In the Imdb top 100 for three day, but m...

In the Imdb top 100 for three day, but metascore only 55?

It reached 25K votes in the first afternoon, and is now 118K votes at 8.4 and #98. It will surely drop below 8.0, but that's still a huge gap between critics and audience. They Snyder fanatics were responsible for the initial 9.0 rating, but their vote rigging becomes insignificant with time.

I know critics always rate CBM and SciFi lower (unless it's woke). Is it worse for DC than Marvel?


Snyder fanatics?

Does such a crowd exist?

Snyder is a mediocre director, why would there be Snyder fanatics?
Are there Michael Bay fanatics?


Dude, the snydercultists actually believe Man of Steel, BVS and JL are masterpieces, deluded folk they are and the do exist


There are people who are fanatics about wearing diapers and acting like babies. Fandoms are strange.


If Michael Bay used a dull grey lifeless colour palette gratuitous slow motion shots and an obligatory soundtrack of Leonard Cohen singing Hallelujah, the emo manchildren who love Zack Snyder would be obsessing over the masterpiece that is Transformers 12.


Who knows. I just saw it (after watching Batman v Superman again) and I would tentatively rate it 8. I have a newly positive feeling about the DC films in general (I won't watch Man of Steel again though). I rate it as being on a par with an average or better Marvel entry and see the worst problems of the DC continuity as being haste and uncertainty... The uncertainty led to the original theatrical cut of JL being bizarrely modified and truncated. And the haste led to DC rushing out Justice League rather than allowing Superman a chance to be super for a while--and Batman a chance to be anything but a half-baked version of the grizzled cynical Dark Knight of Frank Miller.
I think the new JL cut goes a long ways toward fixing that and I hope the "autumn" event promised in the epilogue actually happens some autumn. I can easily imagine the Green Lanterns being a significant part of it and am even hoping to see this cautious version of Jon Jonzz come back.


If this stays on the top 250 list, than that list is a total joke. Not that it wasn't a joke before.


Butthurt from the Marvel fanatics! Nothing but Marvel and Nolan allowed!


Im not Marvel Fanatic. I just like good movies. Actually one of my favorite movies is based on a DC Character. Its called "Superman the Movie" and in that movie, Superman actually tries to save people. Instead of letting them die in 911 times a million.


wow. A Marvel fanatic for not wanting the list to be made a mockery of?

It's laughable that Zack Snyders JL is steroid boost voted up over Die Hard, There Wil Be Blood, Jurassic Park, Wolf of Wall Street, Yojimbo, Mad Max: Fury Road, Raging Bull, Truman Show, Jaws, The Thing, Blade Runner, Deer Hunter, Superman 1 or even Batman Begins et etc



Out of the ones you listed - There will be blood, Wolf of Wall Street, Yojimbo, Fury Road, Ragning bull and Deer Hunter shouldnt even be on the list.


Hi Zack!


Two weeks now and it's 8.2 and #187. It's not going below 8.0, but will leave top 250 in a week or so. Critics must hate DC or Zack.


It will go below 7 when all of the dummy accounts made to upvote it on IMDB get purged.


IMDB factors in dummy accounts and other sorts of vote rigging. That's why a movie's weighted vote average is very rarely ever the same as its arithmetic mean, so the 8.2 rating is legitimately a mix of Zack Snyder fans, neutral casual viewers, and Snyder haters. The rating might drop a little more, but not by much and likely will settle at around 8.0.
