I'm actually stunned!

first let me say....

I consider BvS to be the biggest creative failure in Movie history...The Theatrical cut is one of the worst movies I've ever seen(Literally by far my worst Theatrical experience ever), I consider the Ultimate cut to be slightly better but still Brutally awful.

I consider Justice League(2017) to be the worst CBM ever made and I dont actually consider it a Movie, Instead its a Frankenstein monster of scenes edited together to meet a mandatory 2 hour run time.

for me, what Zack Snyder did with BvS is Unforgivable and I had a similar Opinion about Justice League(2017)....I assumed The reports were true that Snyder did in fact delivered an "Unwatchable cut" of the film to WB and once again had SHIT THE BED and WB had no choice but to fire him and try to salvage the movie somehow...

I had absolutely ZERO hope or interest in The Snyder CUT.....

annnnnnnnnnnnnd I just got done watching it and I'm completely blown away.....

It was pretty damn good....Literally 100 times better than I could have ever hoped for.

by far the most amazing part for me Is The VILLAIN....I consider Steppenwolf in JL(2017) to be the worst Villain in CBM history, Literally a joke that made no sense and had no motivations, Honesty he wasnt even a character...

But Here in this cut, it was the difference between NIGHT and DAY....A True Villain, with Perfectly articulated Motives that made sense and you perfectly understood his plan and actions....and yes The Look and design of Steppenwolf in this version is also a Massive Improvement.

everything about this film was shockingly Good and some parts GREAT...The action sequences were SO Much Better...The characters were so much more fleshed out.

I truly enjoyed this movie...

with that being said....I do believe its about 45 Minutes too long, Theres easily 45 minutes that could be cut and it probably would be better.

I also do not believe this is the film we would have gotten even if Snyder would have never left...I think This film Gets a massive benefit from Snyder being able to literally do whatever he wants and to have almost 4 years to think about how to put this movie together.

and despite being blown away by how good it is, I dont think This film could have succeeded theatrically....Or succeeded in the way the Studio would have wanted or Hope...

The 2017 version is so horrifically awful, you cant help but to appreciate and notice the superiority of this movie....which has lead to More Positive reviews NOW...But had this exact movie been released in 2017 and Whedon's JL never existed...IMO This film would have been extremely decisive and probably panned

Overall, I do understand why people would dislike This film...Snyders take on these characters are not what the General Public knows of these characters and doesnt fit the 80+ years history of these characters...lol An Evil Superman simply would not work in any form(even though I admit I now understand what Snyder was going for and even admit I would NOW be interested in seeing a sequel)but it would never work....The Runtime even if cut down by 45 mins would still be too long for The overwhelming Majority of the general Public....

Buuuuuuuuut for me, I'm Impressed, quite stunned and very much enjoyed the movie, I truly did not think anything close to a good movie could be made out of what I saw from Justice League(2017) and after Snyder's horrific failure with BvS...

but for me....This was damn good.


Joss Whedon Looks like a complete HACK now.....I understand he was put in probably an impossible position....But Jesus...He not only Butchered the film and cut out Literally EVERYTHING that was important but we now know the scenes he added were just absolutely AWFUL...


Good and fair review.

I read somewhere it was studio interference that ruined BvS as well. That’s why it was so disjointed but now you can see how it would have fit in to the whole thing.

I actually think whedon was told what to shoot as well and just pointed a camera at it.




I absolutely loved this movie. Far superior. It's a movie for comic fans though. I'm sure this is still plenty confusing for casual audiences.

A movie like this could never be released in theaters. I really hope it sets the standard for films made for streaming moving forward. Kinda hybrid of tv and film. Like mega budget mini-series. Like, there's no point in wishing for Synder to get to make a sequel. It's just gonna be another butchered to hell 2 hour mess and then we wait three more years for his super cut to show up. This is the best bid i've seen yet that the standard theater model for film is outdated.

Huge thumbs up. I actually applauded to my television after.


I really loved this film, too. I say that as someone who admittedly lost a little faith in Zack Snyder after BvS, which I didn't hate but I thought it was a huge step backward after the awesome Man of Steel. I was really more concerned about whether he could make up for that misstep than the 2017 Justice League, since it was quite apparent that very little of Snyder's style or vision remained in the "original" JL film. But he really put it all together with this film, which clicked on all cylinders and really delivered as a grand and emotional sci-fi superhero epic.

There were so many rousing moments that induced goosebumps, whether it was Superman's "Not impressed" intro in the final battle, Flash going faster than the speed of light to turn back time just a few seconds to prevent world destruction, or the triple tag team kill of Steppenwolf. This film is already up there with my all-time favorite comic book movies.

You're right about streaming being the perfect format for this film. Even if Snyder had gotten to finish his cut and release it in theaters in 2017, it would have been a butchered mess given WB's mandate that the film couldn't go past 2 hours in length. I'm just glad both Snyder and the fans got to see the film he wanted to make.


It's a movie for comic fans though.

Which comic fans? Most of them don't like Snyder's movies, and understandably so. His version of the characters don't resemble the source material, or even other adaptations that were more faithful to them.

The comic fans may be able to recognize certain easter eggs and other references, but let's not kid ourselves. Snyder's DC movies are not for them, they're his edgy take on the comics, nothing more.


I would think Comic fans not be so eager to kiss Zack Snyder ass for butchering there favorite character. There Comic Fans and there deranged Zack Snyder Fans. Who think Snyder is the new Stanley Kubrick. The guy not even Richard Donner. I hope it dosn't set a standard. Because the last this we need is horrible directors getting 4 hours cut of there shitty films.


They're demanding more Snyder DC films that are never gonna happen, they just won't accept any DC adaptation that isn't Snyderverse.

Looking at Snyder's DC directed films they're pretty badly paced, badly written and go on too long, they aren't as engaging as MCU or DCEU films that Snyder has no ties to.


Well... except the story here didn't really change here that much, did it?
They defeat Steppenwolf, disarm the mother boxes, start forming the Justice League.
Sure, they sequel-baited Darkseid here pretty hard, showcased Flash's god-like time travel powers and established Cyborg a lot better I'll give it to Zack. It is more coherent overall (any decent filmmaker should be able to with 4 hour runtime, right?) with the exception of shoehorned Martian Manhunter and that last nightmare dream. Batman and Joker dialogue wasn't even filmed together and its painfully obvious with the stand-ins.


Did they edit out Jesse entirely? The piss jar too?


The piss jar too

That is in BvS


Oh yeah. They bleed together in my mind. I do remember that JL was better than BvS but still not very good at all. Hard for me to believe an edit could transform it into a good movie.


I agree, it was amazing


Its like a bad joke right? The worst kind of jokes are the ones which you have to further spend time on explaining

If you need to add another 2 hours on what was originally a 2 hour movie to make sense of it, then there is something seriously wrong with the skills of the people involved. Obviously it is going to be more coherent and have better character development because you now have twice the amount of time to build it - that is the LEAST one can expect from Snyder Cut. And honestly, this has 5 main characters and a couple of villains right? Do you really need 4+ hours to setup a story for them? It just sounds like bad scripting and editing skills

And at the same time you cannot blame the studio for having asked for a 2 - 2.5 hr movie because a CBM hoping to crack a billion dollars cannot be set at 4hr runtime - it would just eat up into the revenue with fewer shows and alienate out a major movie going populace.

Maybe they could have split it up in two parts and that would have helped a bit


I think this was originally intended to be 4 episodes of one hour each.

What I do appreciate is it does allow us to see the difference of what was Snyder and what was Whedon.


Agree with your post , shared the exactly the same feelings for BVS and Justice League 2017 but this was a vast improvement

I think they have missed the boat with Justice League 2 and 3, would love for it to happen but that ships sailed, The Batman and Superman reboot at the future for DC.

The Snyder Cut had heart and Soul , something lacking in MOS and BVS, solid 8 out of 10 from me , looking forward to watching it again.


There's rumors of a Justice League reboot happening at WB right now. Even producer Charles Roven hinted at it happening in the future.


Reboot with new actors ?


Hard to say, I suspect the remaining DCEU actors would be involved unless something changes. This was the link I saw about it.



All Zack Synder did was take a mediocre movie and made it longer and more boring. There nothing fucking amazing about this at all. Go watch a good movie like Schindler's list or Shawshank Redemption. And tell me how amazing Zack Snyder Cinematic Abortion is compare to those films. Snyder could wrap his shits in a paper bag and you guys would buy it.
