'Time travel' question in regard to BE3
Now I've watched the first one and the third movie (can't find the second). I've read the other threads, but something still bugs me. It's the first scene of the 3rd movie. It plays out more like, well actual time travel. Like he's actually there watching the mother get bludgeoned to death. Now while the rest of the movie plays out like the first one (in theory). That first scene really irks me.
I thought the whole idea of the trilogy is that the time travelers can only jump back to a point in their own timeline. It made sense that they could since the ability lies in their own mind and it's ability to actually reconfigure a point in their memory. So at what point in Sam's memory was he watching a mother getting beaten to death?
It just really bugged me. I don't know maybe it was explained how the mechanics changed to the more normal time travel mechanics in the second film. Can someone explain or shed some light on this?