All Kurtzman Trek fans claim EVERY new episode they see is "ZOMG, the best one yet!" and then go on to fawn over the latest Trek show in general as the "best Trek series we've had since TOS".
It's gotten very tiresome at this point.
On June 23, 2022, Episode 8 will be hailed as "the best Trek episode I've seen in years" by Drekkies/Kurtzman Trek shills.
On June 30, 2022, Episode 9 will be hailed as "the best Trek episode I've seen in years" by Drekkies/Kurtzman Trek shills.
On July 7, 2022, Episode 10 will be hailed as "the best Trek episode I've seen in years" by Drekkies/Kurtzman Trek shills.
Bank on it. I stopped listening to their fawning comments on social media about halfway thru STD season 1, where the show was STILL a dumpster fire but in their world it was "the best one yet".
Their comments MIGHT be more credible if they EVER dislike an episode, DIDN'T give a "10/10" rating, or at least DIDN'T think it was the "best one yet", which will sadly never happen in the world of a shill.
FYI, I liked the last Orville episode very much. But it was definitely NOT the "best one" they've ever made.