Doctor M'Benga

Can anyone understand what this fucker is saying?!

I can't make out anything of what he's mumbling on about! It's so bad that I have to have subtitles on when he's fucking speaking!

Babs Olusanmokun is his name, fluent in English his IMDb bio says, like fuck is he, he sounds like a fucking Nigerian on crack.

Something we have to put up with so Paramount can tick their fucking woke boxes I suppose, and a wokefest is what this seems to be turning into as well, just like Discovery and Picard.

I'm Deckard B26354, I'm filed and monitored.


I haven't had any trouble understanding him.


He totally skipped the diction classes.


The original ST wasn't "woke"?


Stop using that tired argument. Besides, there's plenty of other reasons why Kurtzman Trek is SHIT.


The "woke" crowd is who's tired.


"and a wokefest is what this seems to be turning into as well, just like Discovery and Picard."

So, Kurtzman's trap is sprung!

That was his plan all along: to be pissed off with STD's and STP's poor reception so his plan to make everyone hate Star Trek fails, make his next show appear good enough to appeal to classic Trekkies, then go back to his usual crap once people have paid for a Paramount+ subscription, boosting their numbers and making it easier for him to make his woke crud, at least for a short while so he can have the last laugh. What a scumbag!


What a scumbag!


I do find it hard to hear what he is saying.


He is hard to understand. He whispers everything. I have to keep turning on sub titles to figure out what he said.
