Donald Trump's hair says '...
"the Arab League should simply have paid the US billions of dollars to get rid of the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi"
The toupe also said "Absolutely. I'd take the oil. I'd give them plenty so they can live very happily. I would take the oil" and "Either I go in and take the oil or I don't go in at all. We can't be the policeman for the world."
Just so we are clear, Trump's position is that Libya's bombing of their own citizens is not of any significant consequence, only the ownership of it's oil. Human rights concerns are merely a pretense for war as far as he is concerned.
This guy is a shoe-in for the republican nomination. This coming from a West Point graduate that never served in the military. He obviously never came into contact with any dead bodies either, or else he wouldn't be so keen to create them.
Life is not about bickering over who's skydaddy is better.