MovieChat Forums > Capitalism: A Love Story (2009) Discussion > If you want to see what real capitalism ...

If you want to see what real capitalism is....

Go to China.

They are more capitalists then America will ever be.

They rarely use credit cards and pay for everything in cash - as it should be.

They have an extremely good work ethic. They want to know how much days they can work, not how much benefits or holidays they can get

There's plenty more reasons but being a westerner, i'm too lazy to list them...


Well, when they start improving the environment and worrying more about human rights and labor rights, they might be hurting as much as we are. Yes, they have good things going on over there. But does it outweigh the bad?

One tank is worth a thousand words...

Aye. The haggis is in the fire for sure.



And you, sir is talking out something that came from your bottom. A man is being exploited the same way he's exploiting the opportunity he's been given by actually productive work and his employer. If said worker did not like his condition, he can quit and find other work.


Actually, that is what is slowly happening. The Chinese worker is starting to stand up and say enough and that is always what happens. The same thing happened throughout the industrialized world. However, you don't simply quit and find a better job as there are a limited amount of desirable jobs, we can't all work for the civil service for example. Working conditions ultimately have to be improved and that comes through labour bargaining as a collective unit. Ultimately, it is really quite simple, no human being was ever designed to work as a robot and to do so one has to be fairly compensated. What you are displaying is the foolish American notion that 'it's not my problem, that guy is simply lazy and deserves his lowly position'. That attitude of everyone for themselves is the ultimate cause of why America is now doomed to fail. Simply put, not everyone can be millionaires although there are a lot of Americans that think they still can be. As I have said before, there's simply not enough capital for everyone to be living in a mansion with a full time butler and several million dollars in the chequing account. People have to work for a living, it's as simple as that. A human being should not be punished for that and that person should not have to subsidize a select few that feel they do not have to work. I don't mean welfare recipients either, I mean these arrogant fools that feel that everyone below them should work for bare minimum so that they can live like a Rockefeller. It's not sustainable or practical. It would be a different story if the elite were paying an income tax that reflects their cost on society but they don't.

Everyone gets everything he wants.



So you are for violence of the mob? It seems you don't have a shred of basic economics understanding. Working conditions improved as the productivity improved in the 20th century and not despite of regulations.

BTW, i haven't had tv dinner in years.



Absolutely agree with that evanmang87. Additionally, I feel that neoultrix and the like are the type that cannot provide one logical reason as to why so few should have everything and the rest should be serfs. They are so brainwashed by Reagan-era propaganda that they don't even know themselves what their reason for believing in the corporate demigods as the allmighty. It astounds me that so much of what the teabaggers stand for is absolutely nothing, they don't even know themselves what it is they want. The abolition of big government as long as it doesn't directly affect me in anyway. Selfish, ignorant behaviour always leads to a fall.

Everyone gets everything he wants.


It appears that Evanmang and Jokeco have no idea what they're talking about.



Care to explain what is wrong with my logic?

Everyone gets everything he wants.


"Personally most of you libertarian "well just sink-or-swim" types are people who wouldn't last 5 minutes without the protections you despise so much. It's childish, pseudo-masculine, pseudo-tough logic that you espouse despite the fact that you are probably like the majority of modern white American males (and don't give me some "how dare you assume I'm white!") a complete p-ssy of average at best intelligence, few talents, few skills. See you at the next Tea Party rally, bub, make sure to wear those 1700s clothes too because apparently everything Adam Smith wrote and Thomas Jefferson believed is 100% applicable to 2010..."

" It astounds me that so much of what the teabaggers stand for is absolutely nothing, they don't even know themselves what it is they want. The abolition of big government as long as it doesn't directly affect me in anyway. Selfish, ignorant behaviour always leads to a fall. "

2 people who think they they DESERVE everything from the government. No wonder why America is in the sh!t hole.

Business are closing in USA because of big government. If you are only allowed to keep 50% of profit earned and lose 100% of losses what incentive is there for people to go into business.

Adam Smiths principles do apply to modern economics. It's like saying Pythagoras doesn't apply anymore to mathematics because it's hundreds of years old


Evanmang, calling people "pussies" doesn't really make you look better than your opponent/opponents. Just letting you know.



I don't think they understand the notion of 'Job Lock' either. The more I read posts from people like that the more I actually think they haven't yet entered the real world yet if you follow me.

You're probably arguing with a spoon-fed teenager.
