For many years I've been reading or listening about people who keep complaining about their student loans. That really ticks me off. Did you not know what you were signing? When you were getting the money, it was all good. When you have to pay back, you cry "thiefs!!!"
Smart people would try to find the best solution possible. Why not go study in a country where education is free? Yes, I said it! "FREE EDUCATION". Unless you think American diplomas are better than all other diplomas. But moving to another country is apparently unseen and too hard to fragile American teenagers.
I agree with almost everything you said. In a nutshell, people are naive. In that case, they deserve to get drown by student loans. Using ignorance as an excuse is pathetic. Apparently, we can consider them smart enough to give them enormous loans but not smart enough to have them repaid.
Most countries that provide free education only provide it to their own citizens, and in countries with cheap education, international students usually have to pay more.
Well, that's not true. You are thinking of Anglo-saxon countries. In the rest of Europe for example, all students pay the same tuition, which is equivalent to almost nothing.
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I'll have to check on that. I know in Finland you can get free tuition all the way to your doctorate, and a living stipend, but I don't know if that applies for foreign students.
I know this is the case for France, Italy, Greece, Spain, Belgium. And as far as I have heard from second hand, Germany and the Netherlands have a similar system. This is the case for all students. Within the European Union, the notion of "foreign student" doesn't apply and everyone is equal. So tuition is the same for all. I don't know if there is a law about it (equality of tuition or something) but I would surprised to find evidence to the contrary.
By the way, by "free" tuition I either mean completely free or a tuition of just a few hundred euros per year. Just to be clear. And I am obviously not talking about private schools/academies for whom tuition is steep.
I think your post is completely unfair. Sometimes there aren't any other options and people can't afford a secondary education with loans. Society pushes us to believe that college is necessary step to make a sustainable living. Everyone can't win a scholarship. Everyone isn't rich. With college tuition and fees increasing, working to pay for college sometimes still isn't enough. I live in Georgia and every Georgia student (prior to 2011) that graduated from high school with a 3.0 would get a full ride to any local public 4 yr institution. Even while fees and tuition cost were rising one could still go to school without worrying about it. Now because no one is playing the lottery there are more requirements to benefit from the HOPE scholarship and the amount has decreased 10%. To a student, 10% is a lot of money. I have personally been affected by this. I started in school in 2007 without any debt. I had Pell grant and HOPE. Slowly but surely the amount to grant money started to decrease and tuition and fees started to increase. At the same time the president of my university is making $500,000 plus living expenses. You probably were in school at a time when you didn't need any loans but things are different now. I feel that if society believes that secondary education is so important for a persons future at that 700 billion bailout should have went to the students in of a bunch of greedy bastards.
Our backs are up against the wall and everyone is looking at us like it's all our fault. Schools should just teach kids to not go to collage if you can't afford to go. Also if the media and teachers stopped idolizing Ivy league schools or other private institutions and encouraged student to go to community colleges we shouldn't feel cornered. You should open your eyes to what really going on here, The picture is much bigger.
Of course then you would have to know how to read/write/speak Italian, Greek, Spanish, or whatever. But I love your idea! Yea, let's get all post-secondary students in the U.S. to go to Europe (where they are actually civilized enough to offer their citizens free education and health care) and in that way bring our greedy higher-educational system to it knees!! They'd HAVE to start offering education to students here at VASTLY reduced rates or they'd just go out of business. We all know what the purpose of higher education in these United States is anyway. Its a way to make sure the well off people continue to get the good paying jobs and the not-well-off people continue to have to get by on low-wage lousy jobs. Its the way to keep our class system in place, the haves and the have nots, separate.