Great, if your IQ is below 70

Moore is way out of his depth here, I enjoyed farenheit 9/11 but this was just ridiculous. Instead of explaining it, he turns it into one big sob story.
Who does he go to to talk economics? A priest, someone who has just lost their house, some actor, tow people whos family members died, he starts then talking about people who died in a place crash.... ALL IRRELEVANT. Its designed not to objectively examine, but to make people angry.

If you want to develop a better understanding of the crisis, watch 'Inside Job', its brilliant.


If you get people angry, you get their attention. There is undoubtedly something wrong when Wall St has invested interest or power to make laws. People are mad, and they will be heard.
Something i found actually really interesting was the Polio Vaccine part. If there was a cure for any big disease these days i can guarantee the first thing would be for someone to make big money off of it. Jonas Salk did what people should be doing, not worrying about making tons of money aka "the american dream", and actually doing something for what can be called the Greater Good.


I am no fan of Michael Moore, but if this documentary serves no other purpose then to get American people angry, well then HELL YES, the American people should be angry and should be paying better attention!

Do what you like,
like what you do.
I'm just doing desserts & liquor.


My IQ is 140.

I liked the movie. Entertaining. Emotional. Total Michael Moore.

I'm proud he went after the democrat Chris Dodd and democratic leaders, as well as the conservative republican wall-street crowd. I thought it was balanced.

Americans should be getting angry. And they need someone to point it out and bring things to their attention. It's not his job to educate us, but he got us going and did have many factually accurate points in his investigation.

So, since my IQ is 155, and I liked the movie... what does that say about you and your logic in your anonymous internet post heading?

Would you communicate that heading to me or anyone you don't know if you met us on the street? Or only when you hide behind the anonymity of the internet.


I agree, although my IQ dropped below 150 when I read the o/p remarks... hard to take someone serious who cannot be bothered to proof read before posting, and failed to offer up a decent argument to support the title of his/her post.

Oh well, back to the funny farm for me then.

One of the things that amuse me is the response that some people take to Michael Moore's films. They are usually what I have come to expect from him, an opinion, a polemic if you will, and consequently an opportunity to stop and think, and maybe even debate. I may not always agree with what he says, however, I do take stock of what he has to say and consider. How dumb is that?


et tu, Bruté?

Locked my wire coat-hanger in the car - good thing that I always carry spare keys in my pocket :)


"one of the things that amuse me"? Maybe you should proof read your own posts before picking holes in others.


Haha, "My IQ is 140". A few lines later: "Since my IQ is 155.." Epic fail. What is your last sentence, a challenge to fight him on the street? I think you are probably closer to the 70 number he referenced.


I think he just got smarter as he typed his post. He would surely lose those points back and then some if he watched this crappy movie agian.


My IQ is 4 and i like to eat poo.


the actor guy's ice cream story was at least funny.

Just put it on the Underhill's tab.


I was impressed with what you had to say until you mentioned 'inside job' which is actually a bit of a con job in itself...

"I am Jack's cold sweat."


It was better watching "the Inside Job." This was probably my least favorite of Moore's films.


He's talking to people that usually dont have a say in anything! He's talking to WORKING people and if you don't understand that well...oh well. IT's a sob story because its happening to so many people and you know what? They are CRYING because they don't have a job, a house, etc. Why shouldn't they get the opportunity to tell the camera their problems wen no one else will listen?

Did you see what usually happened when he tried talking to people in power? They ignored him or refused to meet with him. And then the ONE ECONOMICS GUY that talked to him couldn't even properly explain what derivatives were.


Yeah, i really enjoyed the movie. It's not a very informative movie, I guess it's just trying to show how the system affects the ordinary people, and it fulfills its objective. Didn't like the reference to IQ, btw.


This may be one of the dumbest comments i've heard. If you don't like the film or its content then thats one thing. To try to say that you would have to be mentally retarded to enjoy it is another thing. Since you decided to pick such a specific way to insult the movie, I highly doubt a mentally retarded person would be able to follow the underlying themes in this film. Here is where your IQ comment may actually hold some credence. You clearly know your IQ is just above a 70. And this is why you weren't able to understand virtually any part of the films content. If you just don't like Michael Moore, you're a republican or have a conservative ideology then fine. Theres nothing wrong with that, just make that argument. He never pretends to be fully correct on any subject, the idea of these documentaries is to provide debate and give you the view of the other side. Its this very ignorance that you have that causes the rift in this country. You should question everything this man says, but while you do that be sure to question everything your republican leaders say. From the oxycontin addicted radio host to the "news network" that doesn't have a single journalist working for them. Just political pundits reading current events in a tone dictated to them by Murdoch.


Well my IQ was measured at 140 about 16 years ago. I have since gotten smarter.

I enjoyed this movie because it shows allot of truth.

Captialism is a disease, always was, always will be. Greed. Is what is killing the world. Just plain greed.
