Because that alone makes Moore's whole point of who's really in charge in the USA (anyone but the president).
He also could've explained how capitalism is like a sanctioned boxing match and save everyone 2 hours: - It doesn't occur in nature (because it's a theoretical concept and thus artificial) - It can only take place under specific conditions that depend on complex rules being properly enforced. - Absent those specific rules or their enforcement, the stronger player will eat alive the weaker player.
That's it. That applies to both boxing and economics.
Because capitalism today lacks the proper rules (they have been modified to the rich's advantage, if you doubt that google US antitrust laws) and their enforcement (IRS cannot reign in "too big to fail" financial monsters and their CEO's and executives don't go to jail nor pay fines out of their pockets but out of investor's pockets)
See how easy it is (without going full commie/delusional)? I challenge ANYONE to refute those simple statements.
Telling the president to speed things up isn't necessarily a matter of control, but advice. And the President SHOULDN'T be "in charge". His is but one office in a system of checks and balances.
- It doesn't occur in nature (because it's a theoretical concept and thus artificial)
Concepts are not really a strong point in nature which, as we've seen, humans are far more adept at than penguins. Humans create systems. Animals don't. Humans have a concept of time, future, etc. Animals don't.
- It can only take place under specific conditions that depend on complex rules being properly enforced.
As most systems are. And, as we've seen, enforcement is difficult to balance with freedom.
- Absent those specific rules or their enforcement, the stronger player will eat alive the weaker player.
The stronger player CAN eat alive the weaker player, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will. Self-governing and the concept of "enough" has a lot to do with it.
I don’t need you to tell me how good my coffee is.. .
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"Telling the president to speed things up isn't necessarily a matter of control, but advice."
And how many world leaders (or CEO's for that matter) "take advice" ON CAMERA? None who's really in charge. And you're clearly reaching if you're trying to spin a clear order (in front of an audience, cameras and microphone) into an "advice". I heard the guy saying it, and how he said it. Everyone did. Good luck getting us to believe your spin over our lying eyes and ears.
"And the President SHOULDN'T be "in charge"."
He IS in charge of the executive branch. Like he's in charge of the armed forces. If you think any general can just tell him "advice" like that in front of an audience, you're deluded (they all server at his pleasure, including his staff).
"Concepts are not really a strong point in nature"
An ant colony is also a concept (a well organized bunch of individuals performing specific tasks under specific rules), and 100% natural occurring. So you're insinuation is wrong.
"enforcement is difficult to balance with freedom."
Funny thing is, usually the people whom complain about that are the bullies whom are being restrained precisely to make things work for everybody, not just them.
"The stronger player CAN eat alive the weaker player, but that doesn't necessarily mean they will."
Self-governing individuals/companies/markets are about as real as the tooth fairy, Galt's Gulch and trickle down (supply side) economics. Show me a country with weak enforcement and I'll show you a failed state.
You really need an explanation as to why a White House chief of staff would tell a President to pick up the pace? Most Presidents are working under a daily itinerary......and it's likely Reagan was going to be late for whatever was next. And Regan was ultimately forced out......for a lot of reasons that included the fact: you don't hang up on the First Lady. Kind of a odd way to treat a (alleged) puppet master.
Moore is a clever film maker, what he's doing here is creating a cute little sound bite that made it look like Reagan was getting bossed around. Honestly, you can't take a 10 second bite and draw this kind of conclusion. It's just stupid to assume this. The truth is, democrats and Republicans have been in cahoots with big business for decades. Although, the housing crisis was mainly a democrat fiasco.