This show is just horrible

So far, these episodes have been just a waste of time. Every single episode has been bad with nothing of interest. The horror elements are cheesy and acting is even worse. Who comes up with this crap.


I would agree with you, but I just watched episode 5 and it was far superior to all the other installments. There were 2 twists. One I saw coming a mile away, and the other, well if it was allowed to be fleshed out into an entire season, would have been marvelous. The mistake they made was calling it American Horror Stories. Each episode stands alone, which worked well for the Twilight Zone, but the name makes people think of the series. Episode 5 could have easily have been an entire season.


Hi Caeli, I binged all of AHS and Stories this month (watched them for the first time). Which season of Episode 5 are you referring too? S1 (Ba'al) or S2 (Bloody Mary)?


Every show runs its course in time, and it looks like AHS has. It was something special in the beginning though.


Something special is totally right. I thought the idea of using the same actors for different roles so cool, not to mention (most of) the storylines.


Pretty much the opinion i was going to post. I just finished season 3 episode 1 thinking maybe it got better but it was one of the worst episodes yet for all the reasons you noted. Except there was no horror element. It was just plain cheesy and predictable.
