Bad on many levels, but why do people (who are safe if they lock themselves in a jail) suddenly decide to take a chance and "go" for the car? This movie was like a Simpson's plot, it starts going in one direction and then...
This is one of the few horror movies where I wanted everyone to be killed in a brutal fashion. Whenever someone was killed I said, "hell yeah!" This movie has virtually every tired cliche in horror. Here are just some stupid things I hated about this movie.
--Daughter: "Dad, get back in the car! Get back in the car, Dad! Dad! Dad! Get back in the car!" It takes him 5 minutes to get back in the car. Why the hell was he investigating that accident like that?
--How about when his son is on the roof of the car? The officer runs up and lets the kid take him out. Stupid beyond belief.
--Felicity is attacked and she's screaming her head off. In the next room, the officer says, "What was that?"
--People leave doors open and unlocked all the *beep* time. Why don't they shut the doors or lock them?
--I'm tired of horror movies using blinking/flashing lights to enhance the suspense.
--These cops are not only incompetent, they also violate every civil right known to man.
--The only keys to the car is in the evidence room. The lead is a trained officer of the law. The building is infested with zombies. So what does he do? He sends his frail, unarmed wife to get the keys.
--How many zombies were there, around 6? Why were all the zombies only chasing after Hopper?
This movie was stupid beyond belief. I wanna slap everyone, and I mean everyone involved with this Sh*t!!!!!!
My sig: why do almost all movies on imdb have a "worst movie ever!" thread?