Winter Games unfairness makes no sense
I have watched the 'Winter Games' episode a few times, now, and I can't stop myself from fuming at his unfairness at this masterpiece of a game.
Now, when I say 'this masterpiece', I don't mean the NES-version, just to be clear.
There are three things that make his 'review' video absolutely wrong, unfair and atrocious to watch.
1) He obviously didn't read the manual, so he doesn't understand WHAT he is supposed to do or HOW.
2) He doesn't seem to understand this is a bad, rushed NES-port of an originally VERY well-programmed, great game.
3) He doesn't take into account that the controls are MEANT for joysticks, not a gamepad.
Pretty much EVERY single 'point' he makes can be countered with those three points (besides the 'Hot Dog', which doesn't have the word 'Aerials' in the original - it's some kind of 'lingo', like 'Parkour', but for some reason, he doesn't even understand that much, although it IS a funny point to criticize, so this one gets a pass)..
I can't help almost yelling at the screen: 'But it's NOT like that in the C64-version!' or 'But that WORKS in the C64-version!' or 'But it's GREAT if you use a joystick!'.
The lack of events is also inexcusable, and the opening ceremonies SHOULD absolutely be skippable (I think it's only unskippable until he lights the fire on the C64-version, and even then, the sprites look GORGEOUS by comparison, the animation is smooth and fluid, and even the doves look good - the NES-version is ABSOLUTELY butchered beyond recognition in ALL POSSIBLE WAYS).
The reason you might want to watch it again, is that it's supposed to be this 'olympic'-style epic ceremony-thing, that WAS impressive 'for its time'.
I hate how AVGN always says 'for its time', when he FINALLY gets around to complementing some BETTER version of a game. Ghostbusters C64-version IS a lot better (though still not a good game), and he doesn't even understand you actually prolong the car scene by driving around as the logo on the screen. The more of those dots you leave behind, the longer the car-scene will be. Common sense, hello?
Look, Winter Games C64-version and to a lesser degree even Amiga-version were not good 'for their time' - they are STILL good, classic games that are a JOY to play. All Epyx games were amazing until they started making crap like 'Games: The Summer Edition', which is just another way of saying 'Summer Games: the crap version'.
I WISH he had played the C64-version AND read the manual, AND understood the controls were DESIGNED and PLANNED for a joystick, not a gamepad, and read the reviews that PRAISED those controls, because they were NOT the typical 'w*nk the joystick back and forth until either your wrist hurts or the joystick breaks'-crap that was PREVALENT at the time.
AVGN doesn't understand that this game was made a VERY long time ago, when gamepads pretty much didn't exist, and where JOYSTICK was the controller of most games, even in the arcades.
The controls are ACTUALLY innovative and great, and not ONLY 'for their time' - for example,. the speed skating. Sure, it's stupid to rock a cheap gamepad left and right, but when you have a joystick, it makes sense and is actually brilliant, because instead of your typical NES-player 'hectic mashing of buttons'-style braindead gamestyle, you had to ACTUALLY develop a coherent and consistent RHYTHM and keep it up for an extended period of time.
You couldn't RUSH, you couldn't just randomly MASH, you had to actually be careful and have almost perfect TIMING and slow RHYTHM that then you had to pick up as the speed picks up without losing the rhythm... that's a very hard thing to program, and also pretty hard thing to master as a player.
The NES-version being a rushed, bothced, butchered port with only four crappy events, can't bring ANY of this subtlety especially to some NES-buttonmasher like AVGN, so it's all lost in translation (quite literally).
The awful sound doesn't help - the C64-version has atmospheric musics, albeit simplistic, very quirky and intersting, and its sound effects do sound REALLY good, just listen to the waterfall in the Biathlon (that's, OF COURSE, missing from the crappy NES-version) and the simple but effective skiing sounds, or how the shotgun bullets eject with a very 'barrely' sounds between shots.
You indeed DO use the button, if you have all the events - again, Biathlon is a great example, and I would dare say is better than all the NES winter sports games put together! Which is probably why they didn't bother trying to include it in the NES-version, as it wouldn't have been easy to port.
If you compare the graphics as well, the C64-version has a certain STYLE that's actually charming and oozes personality, whereas NES-version has the most GENERIC crap you can imagine.
The Bobsled criticism is almost good, but it's actually fun on the C64, it's faster, has better sense of speed, and every screen DOES give you information.