Soccer vs Football
I am a member of a small but growing minority in America: a soccer fan. As such I feel that it is difficult to identify with non-soccer people here in America and even "football" fans in other countries. One of the reasons is the terminology. With the popularity of American Football here I understood why Americans use the term Soccer when obviously "football" describes the game much better. Because I am an American "soccer" fan I often feel on the outside-looking-in when talking with European or South American "football" (or futbol) fans. I grew up with the fact that it is soccer here and football everywhere else.
However, I am reading Soccernomics by Kuper and Szymanski and in it they say that soccer was soccer in the UK as well until the mini-boom started in America in the 70's with the NASL and the youth leagues. Is that true? It says Brits started referring to the sport as "football" because they felt that Americans who knew nothing about the game were infringing on their turf and wanted to differentiate between the British game and the American game. I was surprised to hear this. I know this doesn't apply to the movie (which I loved and can't wait to read the book) but I thought this was the best place to get a response: was football more commonly referred to as Soccer in the UK pre-1970's. Thanks.
Rule #76: No excuses. Play like a champion.