MovieChat Forums > The Inbetweeners (2010) Discussion > Which inbetweener do you think will get ...

Which inbetweener do you think will get laid first?

Will, Simon, or Jay?


it was neil

"she's the tear that hangs inside my soul forever."


Hmm, yes.
Read the question fail?


Simon, he just needs to stop listening to Jay.
Then Will, he needs to be quiet for two minutes.
Then Jay, sometime in the faraway future, when he becomes that nice fella he was with his last girlfriend.

"What a fun, sexy time for you."


Ahhh Jay was a sweetheart with Chloe! He could get laid if he was like that rather than the idiot front he always puts up.

I reckon Will will be last, Simon seems to get a lot of the ladies so potentially he could if he'd only stop mooning over Carli!


Well really, Neil got laid first in the Camping Trip episode in Season 3.
But like Eyyo said, Simon would have gotten laid first with Tara if it wasn't for Jays "Tactical Wank" idea.


Will would've been the first in series 1 with Charlotte if he had've been a bit more honest about his experience (or lack of) and not ruined his chance with his sexual ineptitude.
Then he also had a chance with Daisy (his former babysitter) in series 2, which was ruined this time by the other guys and their hair removal prank on him.

"Whenever there is any doubt, there is no doubt."







