Season 4

I know that there will more than likely not be a season 4. I understand that they dont want to make loads of episodes just for the sake of it. We have all seen how British comedies with not many episodes can be great eg. Fawlty Towers, Blackadder.

But we have seen series with them in Sixth Form, but could they make a series 4 where they are all at University? just a thought


Are you implying Neil could even make it into university? ;)



Will and Simon are going to Uni (as confirmed in the movie)

I like to think Will would be at the same Uni I am seems like he'd be doing a course in computing similar to me

"He (Moffat) throws out more red herrings than a Soviet fish factory. Dallan007


he wanted to do media or law, very different to computing


They do law at my Uni. I just meant his type of personality reflects on people in my Uni/on my course

"He (Moffat) throws out more red herrings than a Soviet fish factory. Dallan007



noooooo don't Americanize the inbetweeners, shows are best left on a high


I just finished watching the whole series, and I loved it. I'm Canadian so it was funny to hear the different terms used where they are from. I'm quite sad that I can't watch any more episodes, but happy there is a movie.

The only thing that really bugs me is the series left it kind of abrupt. Mainly I want to know what the text Carly sent Simon said.

Hopefully the movie will be good. Like someone said earlier in this thread, it would be unrealistic if they all went to the same school. So I'm not quite sure how it will be. And it should not be Americanized. That would be horrible. The Americans should just leave it be, it's a really good show and knowing the programming that goes on in the States, it would be horrible.


I am American and I do not think we should even attempt to adapt this show. Don't say all American shoes are bad though: Breaking Bad, Mad Men, The Walking Dead, Community, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Archer, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Boardwalk Empire, The Simpsons, and much more. American television can be good, but it can also be bad.


I feel the exact same way, I really want to know what carly sent to simon and found it interesting hear the differnet words they used.



them going to the same uni is silly.


they didnt do any more series of it because the actors that play them look too old for the role.



I think if they do a fourth season Will and Simon should go to University, Jay should take over his dad's business, and Neil should join the British Army to be a helicopter driver.



The text probably said something that led to their brief relationship in the movie, so it's likely not a big deal.

