animal cruelty...

Just wondering (as I never saw the Inbetweeners when it was orginally broadcast) if there were any complaints from the RSPCA regarding animal cruelty a few years back. I'm referring to the episode in which Neil kills the fish, and then the episode where Jay deliberately tries to run down the squirrel.

Okay, so maybe the dead squirrel was not the same one we saw eating peacefully in the middle of the road a few seconds before the car reversed, but the programme could be seen as giving the idea that running over squirrels (or other animals) is good for a laugh.

And there's no doubt that the fish was really battered to death (no pun intended).

I'm not condoning the inclusion of these scenes, but was curious as to how they were received when they first went to air.


I don't know, but

And there's no doubt that the fish was really battered to death (no pun intended).

To be honest, being battered to death is preferable to the death millions of fish actually receive. Which is slow, agonising suffocation. So anyone non-vegetarians upset at this depiction are either stupendously ignorant or stupendously hypocritical.

Was the fish battered to death? Maybe it was a prop fish.

"I guess I can see how it would be powerful back in 99, but not in 2013..sorry."



Actually, they say on the commentary it was an already-dead fish during the beating scenes.

"I guess I can see how it would be powerful back in 99, but not in 2013..sorry."


I feel the same way, except the other way round - though I didn't find the squirrel scene hilarious at all. I always get very uneasy about the fish scene in particular because I don't understand what's so funny about it, really.

I love this show and it's one of the most side-splitting comedies ever, but I always hated the fish scene, probably because they used an actual fish (even if it was dead).

With the squirrel, I'm unsure whether they used a real dead squirrel or not, but they didn't 'deface' its dead body, it was just shown laying in the road. It was even treated somewhat with respect when they want to bury him :P



