How is Scarlett going to promote this movie??
It's going to be a shít show, lol.
shareIf it were any normal person they would hang their head in shame. However, Johansson is quite rich and surrounds herself with "yes men" that will make sure she lives in a bubble of non-stop approval so she won't see anything wrong with it. Also, the studios will spend lots of money to make sure that the press publishes positive stories in order to justify the whitewashing. They already started by claiming the ridiculous which is that supposedly Johansson is the top female movie star at the box office but that is only because they included all of the Marvel Studio movies she has been in none of which she was the lead in.
shareThat is not going to protect her. I went through the ghost in the shell tag on instagram and it was post after post after post of whitewashing with renowned actresses like Ming Na Wen(sp?) literally pointing the finger at Johansson and accusing her of whitewashing, they are being very audacious and rightly so, I don't think reporters are going to be scared about going there.
shareYour question had to do with how is she going to be able to promote this movie not the reality of the situation. Her having "yes men" and bought and paid for media would help her perceive this whole thing in a way that is just not connected to reality. Also, what you said about reporters being unafraid to go there is not accurate. Many blogs and news outlets have been trying to spin this positively for her and the movie. I just in fact used the example of the nonsensical claim that she is the top female box office star. That was an obvious spin to try and counteract any doubts about why she was hired for the role.
shareMy question obviously referred to her having to deal with reporters.
shareThat's not obvious since promotion is not limited to just dealing with reporters. Besides, most of those reporters are not going to push the issue and you can be sure that they will try to screen the reporters that would ask her about it. If she is asked about it, they'll make sure they are softball questions so it can be spun in her favor.
It is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing .