How come Mutoko has to go naked to be invisible, but not the others?
Basically in the original movie, she is chasing a guy in the streets. Earlier in the movie she had to be naked for the invisibility to work, but not the guy is chasing. Why?
shareBasically in the original movie, she is chasing a guy in the streets. Earlier in the movie she had to be naked for the invisibility to work, but not the guy is chasing. Why?
shareIt was gratuitous nonsense. In no other iteration does Kusanagi have to get naked in order to activate her camouflage suit. As yourself pointed out, even the bad guy she was chasing in the same movie didn't have to do that.
It's one of the things that confuses some people into thinking that a Ghost in the Shell movie has to be rated R. It doesn't. Not that it would be bad if it were but it doesn't need to be rated R.
Okay thanks, but I am confused. Why did she do it if, not to go invisible? Even if it was to be gratuitous, did she still have a reason to her character, behind it?
shareIt was to go invisible but as I told you she doesn't need to get naked in any other iteration in order to be invisible. You ask why but I already told you it was gratuitous.
shareI never thought she had to be naked ? can a cyborg actually be naked ? I thought she stripped down to her camo-exoskin which is very detailed to represent a nude female . just my opinion.
sharecan a cyborg actually be naked ?
I thought she stripped down to her camo-exoskin which is very detailed to represent a nude female
Well why didn't they just write it, so that the other characters, such as the guy running in the streets later, had to get naked as well to be invisible? Wouldn't that just make more sense?
shareBecause it's sexy. Therefore it's the right thing to do and good for you-I mean me.
All of us.
Well I have only seen the movie, so I cannot go off anything else. But it seems that Mutoko is a very asexual character. She doesn't show any interest in sex or men, so why is she the type to take off her clothes if she is just doing it out of sexual naughtiness, since she never has any interest in anything sexual, and comes off as asexual?
shareWhy does nudity have to automatically equal sexuality?
She should be able to take her clothes off regardless of the reason and it shouldn't be negative.
But if the film is pg-13, there won't be any nudity.
It doesn't have to equal sexuality but others pointed out that it was done to be sexy. So if it doesn't equal sexuality, than what is it?
It doesn't have to be negative either, but there seems to be no logical reason for her character to do it.
She can cloak her body, but not her clothing.
Plus as a robot or cyborg she's not concerned with vanity.
Like Rogue, Luke Cage and Hulk don't need clothing.
They wear clothing really to be pg rated. Otherwise it doesn't make sense for them to even wear clothes. Especially Luke Cage.
If she can cloak her body but not her clothing, than why do the criminals have better cloaking technology than her, where they can cloak their bodies with their clothes on?
shareI don't know but I think the films differ from the original manga comic.
My question is why does she have a detailed looking body. Like why have nipples on breast if they are not real.
I get it. They are robots, not Miley Cyrus but I never understood her being nude but looking like a naked woman. She should look like a mannequin.
Perhaps her makers thought that she might one day have to do undercover work, and would need to pass as human?
shareShe is supposed to be unique in that she resembles a human but I still don't see why her body would need to look exactly like a human.
She could look like the robots from Ex Machina underneath her clothes.
They might do that if the film is PG-13. Otherwise we won't see her taken off her clothes to cloak.
Well I don't need to see her taking off her clothes, if she has no reason for the plot to do it. The Japanese have done this before in ANIME. They keep on showing naked female forms, but do not care to show male ones near as much.
It feels like a double standard, so maybe having her not take off her clothes, since she doesn't really have a reason, would be a good thing, even in an R rated movie.
The thing is people look for female leads and so the focus is on the female.
There Is anime that concentrates on guys and nudity for them it's just not as popular as the more female driven manga.
Another problem is the animation doesn't always translates completely from the actual manga.
Similar to American comic book adaptations.
To me it's not a double standard because men and women find the female for more pleasant to view than the male form.
Oh okay. I guess I just feel that the writers use pleasantness as the justification of the double standard. I mean a movie like Ghost in the Shell, already has so many unpleasant things happening in it, along with other mangas, but for some reason, people draw the line of unpleasantness, at nudity. But yet violence and gore is okay compared to the pleasantness of nudity.
shareI havent seen the film in many years. But from what I can remember she dosent get naked to cloak. She wears a skin tight and tan colored suit under her tactical clothes. She also wears a head piece that covers her face with a veil for cloaking as well. The guy she is chasing who has the machine pistol has the same cloaking tech built into his jacket with the hood. So they basically have the same cloaking tech just built into different types of clothing.
shareYeah, I don't get why this isn't apparent. The closest to fully nude she's ever been was that one scene overseas in the hotel with that kid. I recall she was investigating Kuze.