MovieChat Forums > Battle: Los Angeles (2011) Discussion > 100 things you learnt from Battle Los An...

100 things you learnt from Battle Los Angeles

100. When Aliens come to Earth, they come without a clear purpose.
99. An Alien's weak point is the Heart.!
98. Don't leave your friends behind.


97. Alien ammunition even though it's fast moving does less damage to a person than an M4. Most of the damage done to Marines in this movie were burns.




82. Apparently water our water can power spaceships, we should look into that.
81. Michelle Rodriguez is a deadly mofo, but has seemingly terrible ability to hold onto her ammo. She ran out twice in the movie. No other character ran out at all.
80. Lieutenant really shouldn't lead military teams. A Staff Sergeant does a better job.


'for a lesbian'

Nobody but Michelle knows that, people constantly question her sexuality by assuming she's gay just because of the way she looks. She's never come out and constantly states that it's nobodies business.

Don't you hate it when a signature looks like part of the post?


79. The aliens have no security perimeter around a vital command structure.

78. They're good at traveling through space but they are terrible at building bio weapons.....and landing.

77. When you don't see air power 10 minutes after the war begins, just assume that the enemy does not and will not have aircraft and allude that this must mean certain victory.

76. Aliens prefer close combat and urban warfare. It makes them feel alive.

75. It is quite possible that in the Battle LA universe, the tin foil hat wearing 2012 doomsday crowd will be able to briefly scoreboard the rest of us.

74. Michelle Rodriguez has officially been typecast.

73. It's okay to drool over your buddy's girlfriend on Skype right in front of her, but when it's their sister, you've crossed the line.

72. The military believes that a 4 year degree is preferable experience to lead warriors than years of actual combat experience. (okay this one is true in real life too)

71. Frozen water is apparently really difficult to melt for the aliens.

70. Alien invaders should, but never have, thermal viewers to find those pesky humans hiding right in front of them.


69. Aliens can make unmanned aircraft but forgot to add autopilot.


68.Aliens wouldnt trade for water

67. We send humans in to recon a war zone not unmanned drones.

66. When walking through warzone without having enemy contact its okay to shout to each other.

65. Walk in a big group.

64. We can't shoot down meteors that are on a collision with earth.

63. Aliens wont blast humanity from space.

62. Salt water is better at powering things then cold fusion.

America was not discovered by Americans - shame on them.


61. When traveling with civilians and trying to avoid the enemy, it's a good idea to drive around in a huge red bus and take the main roads to get to your destination. It's not noticeable at all, and surely the roads can't possibly be damaged from all the explosions.

60. When an alien ship is looking right at you, it will still go off to investigate your radio signals because it apparently doesn't trust its own eyes.

59. The aliens' secret weapon is Big Dog ( og1.jpg). And he only fires one extremely powerful shot every 30 seconds.

58. A marine is still useful in combat even though both of his eyes are bandaged over (and even more strangely, only half of his face is actually wounded).


57. It's disturbing for big men to smell flowers.

56. If you can hotwire the bus without being detected, you unlock the Secret Achievement and 15 Gamer Points.

55. Michelle Rodriguez lets aliens do her on the first date.

54. Nigerians would rather be in Afghanistan.

53. Having a pregnant wife at home is as good as painting a target on your chest.


52. Chris Bertolini is a plagiarist.

51. Save money on CG by showing aliens through: Binoculars, shaky handy cam, gunsight..

50. USA save the world again.

49. Aaron Eckhart regrets this film.


48. Ne-yo is straight

Great, now we gotta do the rest of this thing with Danny Elfman!


47. That aliens come to our planet, destroy everything in sight, kill everyone they encounter, while we continue to believe that they've come here to either enslave us or to take our resources. D'uh!


funny thing the movie ended with the marines about to take back LA so I dont know where you got the US saving the world

If it's gods intent to kill or harm me I will stick a .45 in his face to


46. The thought of Michelle Rodriguez possibly being a Lesbian or Bisexual really bothers straight guys that are too weak to handle a tough girl.


45. Nasty mighty aliens always swoop down on America first
44. Americans are always the first to take down the mighty nasty aliens/the only ones able to do it


43. The Airforce will tear you a new ass hole.



Why are we starting from 100? These usually start at 1.


Well we sure are not gonna make an American movie about aliens invading London. If that's what you want to see go watch Attack the block. Couple of young blokes save the world. Good movie though

I won't rise to the occasion, but I'll slide over to it.


34. In a war, while under fire, soldiers always stop to have long emotional discussions with crying civilians.

"Being human in a world full of vampires is about as safe as barebackin' a five dollar whore."


33. They already had breakfast

I simply. Am not. There


32. Marine's prefer dogs over cats (but think they need better names)

Remember that New Years at Lenny’s. He didn’t even have a clock


31. When little children are in tears about being lowered off the side of bridges by ropes, Marines in danger with seconds to spare take the time to comfort and reassure them rather than just toss them over the edge.


30. Aliens cannot track hard lines.

29. Marines don't quit, and yet they have a shelf life.

28. If you run faster than a staff sergeant he'll call you little prick.

27. It doesn't matter if you should go right or left just make a decision.

26. Michelle Rodriguez survived the battle field not because of her good looks.

25. Red marks mean the units have been wiped out.

24. Underground is the safest place to protect a command and control asset.

In nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritu Sancti.


One thing i learned about every poster who creates these "things you or i learned" subjects in almost every fracking forum on IMDB, is that these persons and their subjects is a complete waste of time even carring about.


They only exist for bad movies. Who doesn't like making fun of bad movies? Actually, reading this thread is more enjoyable than watching this particular movie.


usually this would be true, but about 50% of the points in this list make absolutely no sense whatsoever in reference to the movie...


One thing i learned about every poster who creates these "things you or i learned" subjects in almost every fracking forum on IMDB, is that these persons and their subjects is a complete waste of time even carring about.

One thing I learned about everyone of these "things you or I learned" subjects in almost every fracking forum on IMDB that people have fun with and enjoy is that there is almost always some sourpuss, killjoy, arrogant douche-bag that is compelled to make a post saying what a waste of time these threads (that they always read anyway) are.

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!


Toilets flush backwards in Swaziland.

Reference is inscrutable because there is nothing to scrute.


22. always save the tanks and heavy weapons until the climax.


LCpl. Guerrero is by far the most annoying character in cinematic history.

”Deh Deh Deh, DA Dabacco”-Puert Rican dude from the ”I aint your Papi” episode of COPS.



Laser guided weapons really kick ass


25. Never watch it again because it sucks. Instead rent or rewatch District 9.


24. In case of an alien invasion, everyone, flush your toilet!

23. You don't need a med degree to perform an alien autopsy, just randomly pull out their organs, watch and learn.

22. Aliens can "teleport" by curving spacetime but they will stop right outside the gravitational field and freefall to the surface in balls of fire, because they just love to make an entrance!


"retreat ........-Hell!"
then keep running away

big blue wobbly thing that mermaids live in.....


20. These aliens are so smart they master space travel, but non of them are smart enough to understand that humans are desperate for space travel technology and have plenty of salt water to trade.

19. 99% of most aliens movies like this one never explain how the aliens get her given on how large our galaxy is Suspended animation, travel at the speed of light, live for thousands of years can clone themeless.

18. The director stole the resupplying ammo scene from black hawk down, but black hawk down did it better because these were army rangers, and it was base on a true story


you mean this wasn't a true story?

big blue wobbly thing that mermaids live in.....


17. Even though they're in the midst of Earthly dirt, shrapnel & unearthly body parts that are airborne, do NOT wear any Government Issued anti ballistic eye protection.


16.Shrapnel from exploding helo's and alien drone ships isn't a problem...just duck behind a burnt out car.


15. I mistakenly took Cpl. Stavrou Tortellini. Sorry dude. I was just sitting in the in the fridge marked with your name in boldface letters screaming to be eaten.


14. Golf is an American game (- NOT)


copper tops travel in divergent groups

if you got drones keep them way away from u if yer under attack

11. if yer wiping out the unfortuantes that were born on yer land use single shot pulse energy weapons

neant peut absorber auto


The anti infantry weapons were full auto; the heavy weapons are single shot-except for the mobile missile launchers.


10. The squid also practice 'dynamic breach entry' tactics...

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


9. No matter what we keep being invaded by retarded aliens.

8. Aliens who can achieve space travel, with all that takes, don't know the dangers from an human created granade.

7. Aliens don't know how to protect their only weak spot.


I can totally help examine the alien body because I'm a veterinarian!


You NEVER retreat --- Just attack in a different direction
