For my vets out there

Was this legit militarily or were there outrageous flaws in uniform appearance, SOPs, TTPs, etc.?? Nothing worse than trying to enjoy a film and realize how much serving ruined my movie experience because I can't get over how some SGT has SPC rank (ahem Basic), or some soldier has her boot laces out, incorrect patches, or has a sensitive item like night vision goggles as a present for her daughter (ahem Alien VS Predator: Requiem), or some *beep* can't wear a beret properly (looking at you Josh Duhamel in Transformers).


Obviously no movie besides something like Restrepo or The Hornets Nest is going to get everything right, but this movie was pretty damn good. Besides the extreme motivation (which would actually make sense in this type of situation) everything was pretty spot on - as long as you aren't too picky. But there weren't any glaring flaws like anything you mentioned.

The biggest would probably be the fact that the main character is only a Staff Sergeant, when he should be at least a Gunny, given the context of the movie and his implied history.

Just for reference I'm an infantryman.


Appreciate it. Much love to my 11 series (if you're USA, if USMC then Semper Fi)


Those two films you mention are documentaries that are feature length and not drama films.


The first thing I noticed in the movie was how junior (Ssgt./E-6) the lead character was for someone looking forward to retirement (20? Apparently not a medical as he is considered fit for duty). Like you I would expect him to be a gunny or a Msgt.).



One thing that stuck out for me was when patrolling they were really bunched up. But as the other guy said, no glaring mistakes. I like the relationship between the platoon commander and the platoon sergeant. It was pretty realistic.


Spacing has always been an issue in movies; you balance off realism vs dramatic effect & the need to get all the principals in your shot.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


That's true. I understand there's going to be some need to take artistic licence and I don't let it ruin the film for me. It was a lot better than most.

I'm watching Last Resort at the minute, and I don't know anything about how things work on a nuclear submarine, but I know enough about the military to know that some of the things that happen are really silly. Like officers having huge arguments in front of enlisted men, that kind of thing.


Well I passed on 'Last Resort' but some of our board's Navy Vets weighed in extensively on the Show...they were none to complimentary.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


My background is Army, and even I can tell that some bits of it are silly, or where people are acting in ways that they just wouldn't. So if even I can see it's silly, I imagine that someone with a Navy background would find it ridiculous.


Oh, one thing is that at the end of the film, Santos is AWOL from her unit when she goes back out.


I was actually happy to hear the Marine yell "Frag out" when he throws a grenade in the pool. "Grenade!" Is what you shout when receiving, not delivering..


The 'casualness' with which he tossed the frag in the pool was kind of amusing.

Why can't you wretched prey creatures understand that the Universe doesn't owe you anything!?


That's how a combat veteran would do it in that situation.



The movie absolutely nailed military tactics with the exception of "Hollywood" spacing during movement. I really liked how the soldiers and airmen immediately deferred to the leadership of the Marines despite at least one soldier being a full grade higher. In combat Marines and Infantry, yes they are different, almost always get the nod until the immdediate situation is resolved.

My only issue was the chain of command.

Rarely would a platoon sergeant AND the Platoon Commander take one squad on a mission. The Platoon Sergeant usually stays with the support/weapons squad to coordinate logisitcs/medical. Once in battle the LT and PSG stay separate to ensure continuity of command in case one is knocked out of action.

Battalion Commanders are not briefing/commanding from the FOB. At most that officer should have been a Major (Operations/Intelligence) for a unit of that size. Then they completely skipped over the Company Commanders 'Captains' during the orders.
