On behalf of the silent majority: Shut-up, morons.This movie was good!
I just saw the movie on DVD and it was very entertaining in a dark, but glad we made a breakthrough and have hope kinda inspiring way. There were deaths, some sense of grim this is not winnable, to yeah, we have a chance. Special effects were good, and all the basics. I'm extremely intelligent, and movie buff, and like dumb comedies when I'm expecting a dumb comedy, intense drama, well-crafted drama, thrillers, action, etc. A good movie is a good movie; a bad movie is a bad movie, and a middling movie is ok, regardless of genre. But it's all about expectation. My expectation was that this had a great trailer and I wanted to see the movie in the trailer, but being a true intelligent movie watcher and buff, I NEVER assume the movie will reflect the trailer. Those trailer guys are genius pros. They can take any !#@$@$@% movie and craft it into an awesome trailer. That's what they're paid to do. Transformers anyone? This movie was good. Not great, but a lot of fun.
So I come to IMDB to share the love, and everyone is saying it's cliche, horrible, and so on. It's like Monsters. Great trailer. And the movie is actually intelligently made...a good movie. But the movie is horrible if you're expecting it to reflect what the trailer hints at. The problem is expectation. If you're too immature to think a trailer and a movie are one, you'll be disappointed 99% of the time. A trailer is designed to make ALL movies look as good if not better than the actual film. Uhm, it's one huge aspect of getting you into the theater.
This is what I think happened to this film. I wanted to see this film because of the trailer, but didn't imagine it could actually BE that movie. So, as I often do, I waited several months for the DVD with lowered expectation, forgot the trailer, and watched THE MOVIE. Not the trailer. I enjoyed it. Did I love it? No. But I loved the time watching the movie. It hit all the expected emotional notes for an action movie, and had great eye candy and a sense of teamwork. I had no expectation for an Academy award winning genre-defining movie.
So I get the hate. But this movie does not deserve it. I'm sure if I saw the trailer and then saw the movie all eager days after it came out, my expectation would differ, and I would've actually be as, if not more, disappointed as all the rest. But you have to step outside of yourself and not hate the movie because of you. It's what happened to the Blair Witch Project: awesome if you saw it seconds after it came out because there was a HUGE belief that this was actually maybe kinda true lost footage. A week or month or more later...worst movie ever...everyone was in on the joke, and so the expectation was very high for a very low pay off. Now these lost footage movies are commonplace and Blair was first. So now, people don't believe they're true, so you just kinda go in and try to have fun. It's the same thing as watching an awesome movie like Back to the Future NOW in the current context and going "this movie sucks; special effects are laughable, and it's cheesy and dated etc." It was great in 1985. It's great because of the expectation then...not now. You can't come back 20 or 30 years later and say the movie sucks because of our expectation. The movie is and remains great. Terminator 3 probably was "better: in many ways than Terminator 1 because of advances in technology and so on. But the first wasn't expected, and so it was more emotional bang for the buck. After the excellent 2 followup which delivered, the 3rd was tough to maintain expectation. So the fact that I didn't completely barf over it with my expectation is a telling sign. Terminator 4...need I go on. Even when Mike Tyson was a thousand years old and way past his prime like EVERY OTHER FIGHTER HIS AGE, it was always disappointing to see him lose because the expectation was that he was MIKE TYSON...and could win and still knock someone out. Then it finally hit us...wait a minute, he can't do this anymore. Our silly expectation kept those fights going too long.
We've kinda become lazy watchers. We complain when even entertaining movies are not what we were expecting. The fault is really us, looking at what the trailer says it will be, which is laughable, versus geeky details like the Director and the Writer and the Casting Agent and the Actors and all that stuff which REALLY make a movie good. Every time I see a poster, I look at these details and say "dayum, awesome poster, great idea for a movie, too bad this director. It'll be horrible." Meanwhile, all my friends get excited and say the movie will be awesome because of the what the poster, or the trailer is selling. Really? Does anyone believe infocommercials and regular commercials are really selling ther best hamburger, and food, and gadgets? It's silly. And yet, we still do this for trailers and movies. The best thing anyone can do is wait for a movie to come out on DVD, lower money, lower expectations, and a better opportunity to watch a movie for what it is, as it is, rather than as a result of the hyped-up multi-million dollar marketing campaigns. I really hope The Avengers, new Spiderman, and the final Batman in the the latest trilogy can match the expectation. They won't. But...they will be good entertaining movies I can tell ya. But I want to see them when they come out. So,sigh, they won't be as good as if I hid in my room, never knew they existed, didn't see the awesome trailers for them that will come out months from now, and then watched them on DVD...or even in a theater without any knowledge of the pre-hype.
This movie was well acted, directed and had tense moments for a silly action sci-fi movie. I can't wait to see the movie of the trailer one day. But the movie I SAW was pretty good. Just had to say this so that the minority who hate the movie enough are usually the only ones inspired enough to write. The vast majority of us just go to the fridge and grab something to eat after watching a movie we enjoyed rather than go online to rant about it. So don't be confused: You're not strange for liking this movie. There are millions just like you and me who don't take the time to write because we were happy after the movie.
These actors and movie makers are rich and don't need me mouthing off in their defense. They couldn't care less; whether I like it, hate it, love it. My only point is:
Shut up. Tastes are subjective, of course, and opinions are welcome. But it's more than a little comical to hear rabid remarks that this movie was stunningly horrible and one of the worst movies of 2011 or ever made. Uhm, no it wasn't. You had high expectations and so were highly disappointed, and so said silly things in these IMDB boards. Meanwhile, the silliness of such horribly written and directed shlock such as Star Wars continues...because so many people have "anything goes" expectations that they see these movies and still like them. The movies are horrible, but the expectations will do them no wrong. Subjective opinion, perhaps.
But this was a good movie.