why all the hate?

i thought it was just as good as the other two


I think people dislike it because it's thematically very different than the other two. It's much more straightfaced and way less set on satirizing other genres. It's actually my favorite of the 3 though I'll admit it's not the funniest.


I think all three of the movies are great, but The World's End is my personal favorite.

Did you see that ludicrous display last night?


Shaun and Hot Fuzz feel very similar stylistically despite being from two different genres. The World's End doesn't fit in with the other two despite being a part of this Cornetto trilogy. That's the biggest problem I have with it.


It's absolutely nothing like the first two movies thats why its not as good. It doesn't have any charm it doesn't have any charisma like the others. And the main character is not likeable at all he's actually detestable so that's why I didn't like it.


It's not as funny or clever as the other two. Making nick frost a straight man was a mistake as pegg was terrible trying to be the cool way out character. The first act is ok



While I love the movie, I think that it was too different from Hot Fuzz and Shaun of the Dead for some people. It didn't really satirize any genre unlike the other two. It also wasn't as jokey and it took a more dramatic angle. People expected something like the last two and came out disappointed.


HOT FUZZ is my favorite one, and the first of the three I saw. Frankly it was so good these other ones had a tough act to follow.



I liked all three.

Schrodinger's cat walks into a bar, and / or doesn't.
