Only 7.1??!!!!

I can't understand why this film hasn't got a higher rating than 7.1? The acting from the five guys is amazing, with Simon Pegg's performance being the outstanding one. The fight scenes are well choreographed and refreshingly varied and thoughtful. Most importantly for a comedy, it's outrageously funny. The writing is absolutely genius and it may well be the best written film of the trilogy, with Hot Fuzz being the best film.

It should be rated much higher than 7.1.



Both Shuan of the Dead and Hot Fuzz improve on re-watches, the same can be said for The World's End, so I'd expect it's rating to improve over time.

I'm writing this signature in bold so people know it's a signature


It seems that people aren't paying attention to this movie, and it demmands very close attention to be fully appreciated. It's brilliant and incredibly well written, seriously it's simply amazing

Yeah, well, you know, that's just like... My opinion, man


Seriously! This film was bloody brilliant


Well I loved this movie, but you have to admit it has a bit of limited appeal. A lot of people just aren't going to get it and be turned off thinking it's a b movie sci-fi flix.


This film was amazing from minute 1.

I *beep* loved it!


Down to 7.0 now :/


Why is it so important what kind of grade it has on IMDB? Everyone has another taste. It's really not impossible that others don't like the movie, if you do. What you think is 'brilliant' others maybe think of as lame.
I never pay attention to the grade given, because that's the opinions of 100s or 1000s of other people. I'll just see it for myself.

I haven't seen this one yet. But still curious. I think I'm going to watch it this weekend. I expect nothing but good laughs after seeing Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz.


Exactly! Well said.


On my original viewing I probably would have given it a 7. But I've watched it a couple of times since and it gets better each time (naturally). I think the rating will go up over time - it's certainly much better than a lot of 7+ films on IMDb!
