Disappointingly average.

While it was funny and entertaining, I don't think it reaches the same level of quality as Sean and Hot Fuzz. It felt like they were phoning it in just to get the third one out the way, to the point where they barely even acknowledge that it is the third Cornetto movie.

It's a shame Hot Fuzz is the second film in the trilogy, as it would have been a much stronger end than this.

Mairzy doats and dozy doats and liddle lamzy divey
A kiddley divey too, wooden shoe?


Yes, I've just watched this film and I am disappointed as well. It began well enough, but by the end it was surprisingly redundant and cliche.


I watched this movie on TV without knowing what it was, without having seen the trailer without having read the description so when the bathroom scene came I almost fell off my couch. I never saw that twist coming what with all the robots and the action scenes were pretty well filmed and the action was good too. I was very entertained all the way through
the movie, very funny too. 8/10 sorry to disagree. ( shaun of the dead 9/10 , hotfuzz 8.5/10)


Ditto. A comedy that is actually funny - imagine that!


Yes, it's funny if you're drunk, young & dumb, but a waste of time, a distraction otherwise.


I think it's the best of the three.


As he was also working on Ant Man at the time I felt that the action scenes were Edgar getting in some practice for his Marvel film.

Its not a bad film I just remember coming out of the cinema dissapointed.

This is from big fan of his work from Spaced onwards


I don't think the quality of the movies is dictated on how much they wink at the audience about ice cream. One shot was good. References throughout would have felt forced and tedious.

Also, I'm sure I'm in the minority but I prefer Shaun and World's End over Hot Fuzz. I thought the ending-after-ending-after-ending shtick was a little off-putting and made the movie run a little long.

"Oh, my God. Bear is driving! How can that be?!"
