
Did they ever consider getting any of the real people depicted in this to play themselves? The movie doesn't take place that long ago and a lot of the real people still look the same. I remember in the old days, they would sometimes get the actual people to play themselves.


The real Art Howe flew out there to play himself, but the studio decided to get someone with acting experience.


I'm assuming you're joking lol. Art Howe already hated the way he was portrayed in the book. Anyway, I didn't like who they cast as Art. Art wasn't going to play himself, obviously. But when Philip Seymour Hoffman played Art Howe, he looked like a fat slob. Art Howe didn't look like that lol. I didn't like who they got to play Ron Washington. I found it funny how they were trying to pass Brent Jennings off as Washington. He looked absolutely nothing like him. Why didn't they just get any black actor if they were going to get someone so way off. Being a huge baseball fan, I see people like Washington all the time. I used to see Art Howe a lot. When I see who they're getting to play them, I laugh. If Jeremy Giambi acted like a clown in real life, like in the movie, Nick Porrazzo was good for that. But he looked nothing like him and he looked small. The real Jeremy was listed at 6 foot. Maybe for certain roles, they could've got the real people to play themselves. Obviously not for certain guys I mentioned.


None of the actors in this movie look like their real-life counterparts. Art Howe was most definitely not a fat slob in real life and Jeremy Giambi...was a fat slob. Of course, Howe is portrayed in an unflattering light in this movie, so maybe this was by choice. After a certain point in the movie, though, I just gave in to it and trusted that at least the characterizations were correct, even if the casting choices were questionable.


I've wondered for a long time if Art Howe's portrayal, his personality, was accurate in the movie. The movie made him look like a jerk. The movie made it like they didn't win because of him. They won in spite of him. There was one story I remember reading where Art said there's a scene where they're going to send this guy down and Billy is the one that breaks the news to him. Art Howe said how that was BS and how he was the one that had to tell the guy he was being sent down.

And as far as the actors I mentioned go, if actors don't look like the players or the real people, I think it takes away. I'm a big baseball fan and I knew everyone in the movie accept for Billy Beane. Years from now, they'll probably make a Derek Jeter movie. I know all about Jeter and the Yankees. I've seen them on TV countless times. If they cast people to play the parts of Jeter, his teammates, or his managers, and they look nothing like the real people, I'll laugh at that too. They at least got it right when they made The Bronx Is Burning. All of the actors looked like who they were playing.


I didn't think they made Art look like a jerk at all. To me he was the guy getting the most crap dumped on him. And the scene where he said to Beane, "you're way out of your element" was the clincher. Here was a coach, being asked not to coach, and he still took it pretty well.

Death is the road to awe.


I'm a big baseball fan and I knew everyone in the movie accept for Billy Beane. Years from now, they'll probably make a Derek Jeter movie. I know all about Jeter and the Yankees.

Are you a big baseball fan or a big Yankees fan? Because a big baseball fan would know who Billy Beane is, but a big Yankees fan wouldn't.


I had heard of Billy, but I didn't know what he looked like or too much about him. I didn't follow the A's.


. . . . and more hair.


Not sure if they did or not but I ma sure that movie studios likes to get actors to play people whether they are alive or not


They have almost 200,000 actors in the Screen Actors Guild for a reason. All the people playing themselves would be a documentary.

Actors need to find work somewhere, and everyone knows it's just a movie.

Oskars problem with Eli is not her ambiguous gender, but her ambiguous humanity.
