For the next movie...

The Rambo character should be toned down and take on social issues instead of the usual blood and gore style that has plagued these movies. I'd love to see Rambo stand with the abortion rights people and even BLM to protest police brutality. Maybe have Teasles son being a sheriff somewhere and Rambo can share his experiences he had with his father that drove him insane.


Stallone has left Rambo after this movie. 50 cent is taking over Rambo now.


This is a joke right? If not, I am very concerned for your mental health and below average IQ.


Not a joke. Of course there still would be some action. The villains would be a group of rogue police officers who are gunning down innocent black victims and its Rambo who takes them all down


bjred78, millsey just make these stupid threads up to purposely look stupid for attention , not sure why he thinks he's funny but gets a kick out of it for some weird reason, some kids just like getting clicks these days, this prick is one of them.
