Of course the reviews aren't the best...it has guns (political issue), and Mexicans (political issue), and (insert other political issues) that people can't put aside when reviewing a movie anymore.
Who give a shit if there are Mexican bad guys? Who gives a shit if there are gun fights in it?
It's a goddamn Rambo movie you morons! It sucks that politics has seeped so far into everything that these paid political cronies now review movies based on which political issues are represented or not represented and which side of the issue they feel is the right one.
I don't give movie reviews a second of my time anymore. Every one of them is paid to write a review based on the company releasing the movie, or politics. None of the reviews are worth a shit. And that also goes for reviewers who feel the need to say "yee-haw MAGA" in their review of this Rambo movie.
Just review the damn movie without your self righteous thoughts on how it will affect society and how you feel about political issues.
It's Rambo, not Oscar bait. I'm excited to see it.