real 'user reviews'...yipppeeeee !!!
love it! only 3 up there but they're from real members obviously not affiliated with the film. Im going to watch this pronto!
love it! only 3 up there but they're from real members obviously not affiliated with the film. Im going to watch this pronto!
Well my personal review isn't as upbeat as the ones prior.
Watched this last night and I thought it was 'average'. Not bad at all for it's budget, but it has some big flaws.
No originality at all: The soundtrack sounds almost as if it was taken straight from 28 Days/Weeks later. There's nothing to bad in this, but it just makes you constantly remember that you are watching something that's not even in the same league.
Overacting: The male lead was decent enough, but I found the two females really irritating. The main female overacts WAY too much, and to make it worse she acts like a 13 year old sulking because she can't have the new Miley Cyrus DVD. Put yourself in her situation, you are possibly the only cure for the disease, the only hope for humankind, yet you choose to be isolated in a farm house somewhere. Eventually the bullets/generator will run out and you are screwed! And that scene where she's recalling what her grandparents did was just awful. I wonder if she was supposed to be slightly retarded?
The other female was a slightly better actress, but it just felt like she was in the wrong type of movie here. Actually, none of the cast really 'gelled'.
The way it was shot: I, quite frankly, got sick of the 'artsy' shots being filmed at a slight angle. The director filled the extreme lack of dialogue with constant shots of chickens, bits of wood/trees/fences (slowly zooming in to the background), or the dog barking - which was a pointless 'part' of the film, as they even forget to take him at the end. Take out those parts and the film would have struggled to reach 50 minutes.
The story: We get flashbacks of the males history, yet it's totally pointless as it leads to nothing. We get told toward the start that the drug he's taking only prolongs the infection to make it worse, so surely you'd have to end the movie with him 'turning'? Nope, we get the movie ending with the girl looking pissed off as ever, and the guy just going into a house and shooting somebody. Earlier on he says something along the lines of "I could never become one of those vigilantes, it's sick". Errr?
The infected also still seem to be able to think rationally and be quite coherent, so the barb wire to keep them out obviously shouldn't work, as I assume they'd be quite capable of walking upto the gate and opening it? if it was so affective, then why not just put more where the gate was smashed down by the van and stay at the farm house?
I give it 5/10. Watchable, but not something I'd end up recommending, or watching again.
post your review in the user-reviews section, for god's sake.
the fanboys suckered me into watching this.
i give it a 4/10
complete waste of time.
Complete waste of time? Not the effort everyone put into making this. That wasn't a waste of time for any of us.
shareapologies for coming off a bit strong there, but it just wasn't a very rewarding experience for me at all. Although the talent of the filmmakers involved is evident, it just didn't work for me on any level. Badly written, badly acted and repetitive, and the whole "expect a lot from the audience" line is nonsense. There was far too much exposition in some scenes. It's a common thing to see in an indie, but the extent to which bad acting can weigh down even a good script *cannot* be overstated. I'm sure THE DEAD OUTSIDE will be the cast and crew's ticket to bigger/better things, but as a cinema experience it simply is not up to par.
I justify my score by listing the last couple of indies ive seen:
RULE OF THREE (Eric Shapiro). Good acting for an indie. Reasonably good Script. Terribly shot, terrible music. 5/10
INK (Jamin Winans). Some pretty good ideas, hugely ambitious and elaborate production. Weak execution and bad acting. 5/10
SHALLOW GROUND (Sheldon Wilson). A bloody mess. Nonsensical plot. Completely pointless. 3/10
THE DEAD OUTSIDE (Kerry Anne Mullaney). A technically competently lensed film, but lacking any real focus or originality. Badly acted, boring script, repetitive sound design. 4/10
Thank you for your constructive feedback. I'm sure I speak for everyone involved that IF a bigger budget was available, things would have been a lot better. Now just because I was involved doesn't mean I'm going to disregard everything that is being said. I know others involved that also read these messages and your post surely will not fall on ill ears.
There were many ideas that just didn't make it in, but again thanks for taking the time to give your opinion.
Agree with your review man, but Ill give it a 4/10, just because I'm in a good mood and they really did do a lot with the budget they had. The editing in this movie "sucks" and feels really drawn out, with that said, 99.9% of zombie related movies are garbage so it's above the low bar.
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