How does a film get 7% on RT and then its sequel gets 83%
I don't think I can even remember that happening before, where a film will come out and be almost universally criticized and then a sequel will come out and be almost universally praised. The first film in a series almost always scores better than the first, but even the second is better received there's usually not such a wide gulf in critical opinion.
In any case, I watched Ouija last night and it does not surprise me that the first film did not score well. The 7% RT score seems a little overly harsh, but it's not a good movie.
I do think it has some positives. It's shot fairly well and looks nice enough, the acting is mostly (though not entirely) okay, and there are a small handful of effectively creepy moments. Not many, but a few.
Just as importantly the subject of the Ouija board is interesting and one that I don't think has been explored by horror movies nearly as much as it should have been.
On the downside though, the movie is just kind of fucking dull. Those effectively creepy moments? Few and far between. And I didn't really give a shit about the characters. And the plot is typical haunted house fodder that, one twist aside, we have more or less seen a hundred times before.
At least it had a few hotties in it, which always helps, but hotties can't save a movie if the script came right off the assembly line of roteness.
I didn't absolutely hate it, so I'm not going to be as harsh as some other people have been, but I certainly can't claim it to be anything other than the derivative, unimaginative film that it is.