Was I the only one confused by this whole movie!
Really from start to finish I was lost. When the movie first came on I didn't understand why Debbie didn't want to go out if she was scared to be alone in the house because she thought she was haunted. Then I didn't understand why the parents left their house after she died, at least for an extended period like they did. Then how and why did the dead girl and her mom get to start the others? And what was the lie that the older woman said she told them. I understand the dead girls mouth was sewn shut, but what did them opening it do? She was already haunting them and killing them so did it matter if her mouth was open or shut? To me this movie was horrible mix of Insidious 2 (the mother being behind the haunting and killings of others) and Scream. The story line was so hard to follow for this story because they seem to have wanted to go in 3 different directions. Another thing that caught me was the video's the friend got after her friend died, who video tapes themselves cleaning?