
* Know when Debbie's parents went away, was it wise for them to go away soon after when Debbie has passed away?

* I don't get something, so when Laine cuts the sitches off the dead body of the little girl, the little girl was set free, but why did the little girl still went after them for?

* I also don't get the ending, if Laine had burned the ouija board and the little girl's body, then how did the planchette manage to get back to Laine?

* This might be unrelated or anything, but is everything about the ouija board all real, or is it all just a legend or something?


by 1) Seem like a good idea to get away, to clear their minds. Don't forget, their daughter committed suicide in their house... I would like to get away too.

By 2) because the little girl was the evil one. It was a trick. Mother was the one keeping her at bay, the best she could. The older sister (Paulina Zander) in the asylum was in cahoots with her evil dead sister.

By 3) a cliffhanger ending indeed. Either the evil did not perish as we thought, or other spirits were at play. Remember Paulina Zander directly says there are more spirits in that house. So really, this was a set up for a sequel (not yet made).

By 4) all made up
