MovieChat Forums > Ouija (2014) Discussion > Not bad, but It was just a bit too all o...

Not bad, but It was just a bit too all over the place...

Im a huge fan of Platinum Dunes and all their horror films, but this one has to easily be their weakest entry. It had some great moments and an extremely interesting concept, but unlike their last two films, TMNT and ANOES, which IMO, were benefited by most of the re-shots, on this one, I feel that they were not able to seamlessly merge both "versions" to make a cohesive enough story.
There were just a few spots that led nowhere, like why not show what happens to Pete? And why, once they discovered the dead body, did they not contact the police to dispose of it? I mean, your just going to leave it in the house for the next residents or what??? Just a few illogical moves from the characters, and I can tell now, after reading about it, that it came from the change in direction.

Now the good??? Yeah, adding Lin Shaye, the sister, and all her scenes? They are awesome so that's a nice re-shoot win! And HI friend? Pretty creepy! And I did like the mother/daughter story and the connection between the board and the "other side". So overall, I give it a 6 out of 10, It held my interest and had some creepy moments, but overall, just a tad underwhelmed by PD's efforts.

If you look at a lot of their films and how I rate them? Yeah, they are 9's and 10's, so that comparison might be why I have this pinned so low. My wife thought it was pretty good though, and rated it a bit higher at 7.

What say you about Ouija???

Oh I travel, a sort of licenced troubleshooter.


I was shocked to see the low score. I thought it was a decent enough film



It was too final destination-like.




I liked it very much. The characters were more than 2 dimensional teenage caricatures, the plot was cohesive, and it wasn't full of cheesy jump scares. Maybe it has a low rating because there are not any gory deaths, or sexuality or nudity. I don't know. To me the characters seemed pretty realistic. Not all teens are nymphos, there were strong friendships, sibling discontent existed between the two main character sisters, and the boyfriends weren't spaghetti brained losers. Now, I must admit, the characterization of the parents leaves something to be desired. Highly unbelievable that the mother of the girl that committed suicide (at least as far as the mom is aware) would have her daughter's best friend watch the house. Nor would she be so calm at the funeral. But, I guess that the parents had to be removed from the story in order for the plot to progress. I did not find this film scary, per se, but it was a fun little thriller. Certainly higher than the rating on IMDb. I almost did not watch it because it was only a 4.4! Glad that I gave it a chance!



The characters were more than 2 dimensional teenage caricatures, the plot was cohesive, and it wasn't full of cheesy jump scares. Maybe it has a low rating because there are not any gory deaths, or sexuality or nudity. I don't know.

No. I hate this assumption that people who don't like the same films as yourself must be drooling idiots; I see it all the time on this site and it's annoying.

The film wasn't as good as you make out. The characters were exceedingly 2-dimensional and each had one or maybe two characteristics each. The characters from 'The Cabin In the Woods' had better characterisation.

It was full of stupid jump scares and didn't have the confidence to rely on it's actors or the suspense.

The plot was cohesive, but has been done before and much more effectively.

It was a paint-by-numbers horror and deserves to have the mediocre rating. It wasn't the worst film (some critics, I think, are exaggerating how bad it is) but it wasn't good.
