MovieChat Forums > Merlin (2009) Discussion > Watching series 1- Arthur is so unlikeab...

Watching series 1- Arthur is so unlikeable so far!!

Someone tell me his character gets better and takes a turn for the best. So far is character is pretty repugnant to watch! I mean, I suppose in one sense, the whole cocky conceited prince thing makes sense in a way, but just, the way he has to have his life saved in almost every episode and he is completely unaware of it, then he kinda thinks its all Merlin's fault and just whines! Like I mean it just doesn't get anymore spoilt. Something about his character is just off for me in this series, not sure why he's so important. Someone tell me he improves?

Merlin himself, I like him, but he has got to stop sacrificing himself for other people in every episode. It almost makes it come across that he dis-likes life and is looking for a way out, which I would imagine is certainly the wrong message!

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He does improve, keep faith in him. The writers gave him a lot of room for improvement at the start, and he did grow into that room. ;)

"Occasionally I'm callous and strange."


You're right. At the beginning, Arthur is a total asshat. But that's one of the great things about this show. The characters really grow and unfold as they're roles and relationships are established. Just give it a few more episodes and you'll see the true Knight in Arthur.

**I dont need no stinkin signature**


Remember Gwen is not very impressed in the beginning.


He does get better.

If it's all the same to you, I'll have that drink now.-Loki (Marvel's Avengers)


What episode are you on (/were you on when you posted this)?

I started watching at series two (because that's when it started airing on SciFi channel and at the time I didn't know there was a series before it), and I liked Arthur right away, despite his obvious flaws. But since I didn't start watching from the first episode I have no idea how I would have reacted to him if I had. Going back and watching it though, the only episode I can see him being completely unlikable in is the first episode. By the second episode you can already start to see that he's not really as sure of himself as he pretends to be and that his apparent arrogance is a result of his upbringing and him trying to live up to his father's expectations. But maybe that was only apparent to me because I was watching it with hindsight. I find it hard to imagine that he could still be unlikable after episode four though except by someone who was determined to hate him as long as he was anything short of a straightforward nice-guy.

Personally I find his contradictory nature quite endearing and think it makes him a far more engaging character than straightforwardly good and heroic Merlin, but I guess that's a matter of taste.

Blessed are the legend-makers with their rhyme
of things not found within recorded time.
