Why, exactly, could they not get married?
Why couldn't Tom and Violet get married? I mean really, it's not like they were strapped for cash or their careers were just getting established and they didn't know were they would end up.
Tom was a chef, and yes the town they moved to was a quiet one and their wasn't any five-star restuarants like he was used to working in. But he could still get a job at a nice restuarant in town, it was HIM that didn't want the pay cut and it was kinda his fault that he was reduced to working in a sandwich shop-he didn't take the pay offers when he walked into the restuarants.
And it's not like Violet was an undergrad who had no idea where her life would lead. She was a post-doc, and those things last a decent 5 years, longer if your supervisor likes your research (which in the movie he did). She was getting paid too, so it's not like she had to work at McDonalds casually to get through her bachelor's degree.
From the sounds of things, both knew if Violet didn't get her post-doc offer in California they would have to move, so when she got her post-doc offer to another state they both knew it was coming. I just don't get why they couldn't get married. There was nothing stopping them.