MovieChat Forums > Deep Blue Sea 3 (2020) Discussion > Sea level rise nonsense and hot chicks, ...

Sea level rise nonsense and hot chicks, too woke

This movie starts off with a a bunch of crap about climate change, global warming and sea level rising. All utter nonsense. Yes, there is climate change, the climate is always changes, always has and always will. Right now we're in a period of slight cooling, soon to be more cooling when we enter another little ace age. This is all due to sunspot activity and has got nothing, I say NOTHING to do with human activity.

As said, there is NO global warming, that's all scaremongering to get dumb naive people (mostly liberals/demonrats) to believe higher taxes are good for the earth when in fact the money raised goes - thanks to the emission trading scam - straight into the pockets of African dictators, forcing even more of them into Europe in search for a better life (read: free money, free house and nothing requested in return).

There is also NO sea level rise. All utter nonsense. So this movie fails utterly when it comes to reality. Of course this movie is fiction but that's no excuse to brainwash the gullible viewers even more.

On top of that the main chick mentioned "WARMER TEMPERATURES" !!!!!!!!!!!! I fucking can't stand that! It's "HIGHER TEMPERATURES" or "WARMER WEATHER".

Talking about chicks: the chicks in this movies all have GRRRREAT legs! Very, very fabable. The main chick has got an amaaaaazing body, fantastic tits and tight ass. Damn! The Jap chick doesn't show much except for her legs but they're hot. The black chick shows her toned pins several times and they remind me of Gloria Leonard's legs. Awesome.

It just sucks that this woke movie only knows women as survivors. The message clearly being that white privileged men are the ones ruining the world. That sucks.

Anyway, I hope to see more of the legs and wouldn't mind a non-woke sequel to this where the effects of global cooling come into play.


This is the stupidest thing i've ever read, My fucking god some of the people on this site are dumb as hell.


At this stage there are more posts from people moaning that everything is 'woke' than there ever were posts from SJWs.


Since this is site about Hollywood movies and series, "everything is woke" is actually an accurate portrayal.


Until you can provide me with a link to the "definitions and structure of wokeness" you once mentioned, don't bother engaging.


Of course, I'll have no problem doing so once you provide me with a link to the official definitions of the terms "definition" and "structure". Otherwise, it's unclear what you're talking about.


It was your statement so the onus is on you:

Or continue deflecting as usual.


Holy shit! You're still obsessed with me several months after it! I'll take it as a compliment! 😂😂😂


I have a good memory for unfinished business.

Still choosing to deflect?


Guess you're choosing to paper over this faux pas of yours as you clearly cannot provide a straight answer.


there never were posts from SJWs , just posts from the "anti-SJW" saying
"ooh the sjws are all offended about xxxxx"


Plenty of posts from both looney bins imo.


Show us statistics supporting that claim.


How dare you!


so , even if all your deluded bullshit were true ....

Dont you think we should be taking the same steps anyway?- ie burning less fossil fuel and moving to renewables, purely because there just isnt that much fossil fuel left?
and also all the deaths the pollution byproduct causes?


That happens organically without higher taxes and forcing people to buy expensive and inefficient electric cars mass-produced using CCP technology.


"just get us on the ground"
"That part'll happen pretty definateley!"
(a great scene from "Firefly")

Yeah it will happen 'organically' in the same way that a plane with an engine problem is definately going to land.
The problem is how hard.
Left to our own devices we would happily burn all the fossil fuels and make zero preparation to continue life as we know it in a post carbon era.

This would be a total disaster and result in the total collapse of society and post apocalyptic "Mad Max" times ahead.
In fact we'll be damn lucky to avoid that *even with* the enforced carbon reduction plans done under the "guise" of global warming.
People just dont relise how much of a role fossil fuels play.


This would be a total disaster and result in the total collapse of society and post apocalyptic "Mad Max" times ahead.
In fact we'll be damn lucky to avoid that *even with* the enforced carbon reduction plans done under the "guise" of global warming.

Except there have been numerous ways to utilize alternative fuel over the years but big businesses either squashed the tech or bought out the patents to make sure they're never utilized.

Now that China wants everyone using electric cars, and the Left have created fear-mongering tactics to convince everyone they need to go broke for "renewable energy", there's now a push a way from fossil fuels. But left to our own devices and not incurred upon with the silly and anti-proletarian whims of the Left to control consumer urges and spending, we naturally would have evolved past fossil fuels through natural development and scientific breakthroughs.

Heck, without a corporatocracy and the Left-wing agendas controlling social interests, we likely would have been exploring Neptune and Venus by now, and would have colonized Mars.


Thanks for the heads-up OP.

The SJWs are obviously complaining about someone trying to warn others about woke nonsense in Hollywood, but this post has informed me to steer clear from this tripe. I'm tired of the Liberal "climate change" agenda and all the "evil white men" propaganda canvassing every aspect of media.


"The SJWs are obviously complaining about someone trying to warn others about woke nonsense in Hollywood, but this post has informed me to steer clear from this tripe."



Theres no need to warn anyone about woke in hollywood. Hollywood is entirely woke already.




Your boos mean nothing, ive seen what makes you cheer.


Still might be worth catching the ending for free somewhere, it's really funny.


Were you suffocated as a child?


You have to be a troll. Noone is actually this stupid.


Happy to see that the OP is no longer with us.
