The ultimate weapon VS Zombies
This film is sooo good. Mainly down to the lead, who I've never seen before and will definitely check out all of his other great movies. I suggest you do to.
The story, acting, special effects are all top notch.
Tagart is good, I'll give him that, but he's overshadowed by the REAL star of the show, the dashing badass with the exotic name. He's so handsome, looking at him is like staring into the sun. His outfits are so cool, I ran out and bought the same leather jacket from Fats & Co.
An amazing physique, built like a heavyweight body builder, he looks bigger than the Rock! Yet he's so agile, fast, and moves as gracefully as a ballerina, an incredibly macho one that is.
His testosterone levels must be so incredibly high, they are beyond Anakin Skywalkers midiclorian count. And if he was a Jedi, he would be 10 times as powerful as Yoda, The Emperor and Vader combined.
He is actually a Jedi in this movie. The way he moves that sword around, slicing and dicing into the Zombie horde like they are nothing. His fighting style is so unique, I've never seen anything like it before. Better than that Jean Claude Van Douche, all he can do is the splits, and his wimpy little kicks.
The special effects are good also, but the main special effect is the handsome leads Ninja fighting.
His acting is amazing too, when that lady died I saw the raw emotion in his face, the pain in his eyes, and he even shed an actual tear, tremendous! He could match De Niro in a showdown any day. C'mon Hollywood, make it happen!
He's way better than that wimpy Jean Claude Van Driver, with his goofy looking face. King of the splits. Wow, slow handclap. Has Jon Clot Van Douche Nozzle ever fought zombies? I think not, all he can do is fight small wimpy men, and badly. While Sir Steve fights the unkillable, and kills them. Jean Clutz Van Dumb with his phoney accent (you're not fooling anybody, you were a hairdresser in Ohio called Eric before you made it big) has shrivelled up like an old prune, past it, finished. The ultimate badass Aikido God has grown in strength, grown in stature, his hair has grown thicker than ever, his muscles have grown bigger than ever and needs to wear a big leather jacket to contain them, or they would explode the air around. The man is that dangerous, he is a literal walking nuke on legs.
Anyway, I rate this movie 10 out of 10. It's probably the greatest film I've ever seen in my life and I will check out every film from this amazing, talented, handsome martial arts King. I'll make sure to buy a copy and even buy a few for family members as they will love it too. So think about that. One for you, and a few for friends. Sounds like a good investment, and your friends will love you for it.