I was just about to make a post asking why Homelander said to Soldier Boy "You were the only one almost as strong as me". What about Maeve and Stormfront? Aren't they also nearly as strong as him? Even before the season 3 finale, I thought it was implied that Maeve was the second strongest hero; and she had to come in and help beat Stormfront because the latter was beating the Boys, including Starlight and Kimiko.
With the exception of Homelander, the power levels of everyone else seem to fluctuate. Maeve easily overpowered Black Noir in season 2, but in season 3 he got the jump on her. Granted, Homelander could've held her down too since he was right there, we don't know because the scene cut to black before we saw how it happened, but why use Black Noir at all, especially since he was shown to be weaker than her?