Season 3 finale was horrendous. It was idiotic. I felt sorry for Soldier Boy
He was like the only normal person among those all those idiots. He had a deal with Bucher helping him kill his old team and he would kill Holander for him. Then out of nowhere Butcher is like: "Nope, changed my mind. Now Im gonna fight you to let Homelender live and kill more people".
It was so idiotic that I just cant. And keep in mind that Ryan would not even die. He would just lose his powers like every other sup in that room. Which would be good for him and let him live normal life. Not to mention that sups can get their powers back with that thing injected like Kimiko did.
And if Butcher, Frenchie, Hughie, MM would die then well... its reasonable cost. Because Homelander is psychopath and needs to be eliminated at all cost. Even Maeve was like: "Oh no. All this people I dont know or despise will now die, including this random kid I never heard of. Must save them all and let Homelander live".
Its hard to describe how idiotic everyone’s behavior was. And keep in mind that Homelander would kill everyone in that room. He just killed Black Noir who he considered his friend. But of course show cant kill all its main character so he just walks away. Again. Third season finale in a row.
And useless A-train and Deep are still alive and still have zero connection to main story and anything that is happening. While poor Black Noir killed for no reason.