WTF? Did they just had to go to "bad guys are white supremacist nazi"???
It just starts to be boring, lazy, uninspired, etc.
Every show HAS to just land there?
It just starts to be boring, lazy, uninspired, etc.
Every show HAS to just land there?
Original Sin. Somehow minorities are immune from this.
shareEvery show HAS to just land there?
I do not understand this thread. The show is based on the comic which ran 2006-2012, which was just before the current progressive push began. Stormfront is a female (switched from male in the comics) who appears to have no redeeming qualities whatsoever. A-Train has been painted in a very unflattering light since the show began. Conversely the lead Boys are both white males. Also now Lamplighter is being spun positively while the Deep appears to be on some road to redemption (i.e., remains to be seen how sincere it is).
shareButthurt white tears follow no logic or reason. It's totally motivated by emotion.
shareWhite people are always complaining, playing the victim card. Not like black people.
sharePositively? When we meet him he roasts someone alive just for wanting to call his sister.
shareThis was always part of Stormfront's arc from the novel. Although I find her portrayal of being a supremacist very unconvincing. I didn't buy the exchanges with A-Train. Besides... she thinks all normals are inferior so why focus on him?
shareBecause she's a Nazi, literally. And an old Nazi.
shareIt does raise the question that would you even be able to hold on to such extreme, nasty views if you've lived over 100 years? Approximately 80 years to continually reflect and process your opinions on the people you think are below you. From what I gather, even hardcore KKK members have been able to be talked out of the organization with engaging, rational conversation.
You'd have to be a god level Nazi to be over 100 and still retain those beliefs I would have thought. Especially without a significant group to surround yourself with to compound your beliefs.
You'd have to be a god level Nazi to be over 100 and still retain those beliefs I would have thought.
Do we not have the same kind of movement in America today? Look at Antifa. They are completely fascist. Look at BLM. They are the same. They both use violence and intimidation to advance their ideologies. BLM is a black supremacist group. They don't have to hide under sheets. They are embraced by every major company in the country. They walk around and force people on the street and in restaurants to raise their fists in support of BLM. I've never seen anything remotely like that in America. But we are told that white supremacists are the real threat. LOL
shareYeah. It's a very peculiar situation. You have the media and Biden repeatedly asking Trump to denounce white supremacists, which he's done multiple times. The "white supremacist Proud Boys" that aren't actually white supremacists. One of the Proud Boy's notable spokesmen is Latino FFS. And yet Biden won't denounce Antifa because he's publicly funding them and it would look hypocritical. Trump is 100% right that most if not all the violence is at the hands of the left and if anyone like the Proud Boys have got into it with Antifa, it's because Antifa have instigated it. The whole thing is a total joke. And the fact that Wallace didn't call Biden out on this and even helped him along was pathetic.
I think it boils down to the primary BLM/Antifa base being young and stupid. They want "free" healthcare for instance but they have no idea it's not free, it's funded by taxation. They'll grow up in a few years when they know a little more about the world and regret their actions I'm sure. That's if they don't die in federal prison for their crimes.
As much of a car crash it would be, I'm kind of interested to see what the US would look like if Biden won. Harris as POTUS would be a fucking disaster lol. What's going to happen when they can no longer blame everything on the orange man? They're going to show their true colours and hopefully people will open their eyes to it. How long until they start a new war I wonder? Got to get those kickbacks from Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman.
The fact the MSM won't hold any Dems accountable for their lack of criticism towards Antifa and BLM is maybe the final nail in the coffin of journalistic integrity in America. Biden was silent for three solid months while Antifa and BLM terrorized neighborhoods.
If Biden won, I wonder how long Harris will be able to hold back her ambitions of becoming president. She would be just one aged heartbeat away.
That assumes that people actually use that time to reflect instead of just further digging in their heels. Many people talk with their grandparents or great grandparents and can be shocked by their un-PC views or words that comes out of their mouth (by today's standards). The saying, "you can't teach an old dog new tricks", exists for a reason.
shareYeah, the original sup born out of Nazi hatred and ideology. She hung with all the leadership, including Hitler.
shareonly one bad guy, er bad chick. and of course the original Mr. Vought.
shareThey ruined Stormfront on this episode. Made her weak and subservient to Homelander.
was she? or had she finally found an equal. how boring would life be always being the one and only best. Im more confused why she was missing all these years during the rise the 7 led by homeland. or at least how she just blended in as "liberty". but I guess during that time she just spent it brutalizing and killing minorities
shareWell... The comic sort of follows the traditional secret technology conspiracy theories narrative that everything grew out of Nazi experiments. And in the comics Stormfront is forever doomed to be a part of second tier teams because of his past.
In the series I think she is supposed to be a part of Homelander's transformation into an ultimate supervillain. While he is toying with an idea of godhood he's still trying to be good and likable. He seeks a connection with others. A sense of belonging. I think it's quite obvious at this point that he is a deeply insecure man. So, I think the idea is that from Stormfront he learns to despise some humans and at some point he will learn to despise all of humanity.
As for execution... You didn't think that in 2020 a TV show writers can stop themselves from inserting their political bias into their writing, did you?
Well, it's too obvious and too ubiquitous ... if it would happen in one, or two shows i wouldn't mind. It's not the first to have nazies/whites (supremacists or not) as the villains and will not be the last.
But when it becomes a trend and it's done as you said ... it's too much.
Well, when you are right you are right. They just couldn't help themselves and had to "explore the whiteness" or whatever in this last episode.
sharea nazi acting like a nazi based on source material that is very similar is "their political bias"