MovieChat Forums > The Boys (2019) Discussion > Starlight supposed to be the real hero.....

Starlight supposed to be the real hero...

She's the worst character. A Mary Sue they pretend isn't a Mary Sue. Everything that happens with her is so predictable. Played by a generic CW-quality actress.

And her relationship with that dweeb is a bore to the extreme.


Maybe just don't watch the second season then?


Homelander will make me watch.

It's a shame they seem to make Hugh and Generic Wonder Girl the focus.


I found her mildly off putting but didn't want the ensuing drama of saying so. She's probably the 2nd most powerful supe and chose to put Deep's tentacle in her mouth but I'm supposed to believe she's a victim. True equality would be taking responsibility for your choices.


That was another thing they changed from the comics. The sexual harassment and her power level. It was actually pretty much the whole group that coerced her, led by Homelander.



Don't throw a bunch of weak strawmen at me. She wasn't a victim, she made a choice and then turned buyer's remorse into victimhood because younger generations go out of their way to be offended or claim victim status. There was no gun to her head. Deep wasn't her boss. She wasn't physically forced. She chose to suck his dick or tentacle or whatever. Her choice. You and the show make it seem that young women are incapable of managing their own sexuality and then whine about not being taken seriously. Take responsibility and stop looking for someone to blame for your own poor choices.





I already know you disagree, just waiting for you to explain why. It has nothing to do with the shield, or bullying, or guns, and insults are wasted. She could have said no and walked away.







She was a victim. Buyer's remorse is an absolute joke. Watch the scene again. You see the Deep point to the broken screens. You see the Deep clearly threatening her that if she doesn't give him what he wants, he will accuse her of attacking him. Imagine a new face on the team, knowing this guy was about to get the whole team against her ruining everything she worked for, unless she did this one thing.

Buyer's remorse? My god, dude.


Nope. Equality means taking responsibility. Even if she believed him, she could have said no and walked away and dealt with it legally, they mention having contracts. Deep had no leverage and lacked the physical ability to force her. Even IF she believed her high school crush had the ability to get her fired, she was easily swayed for someone who has been fighting criminals for years and is entrusted with public safety. Equality means that double standards have to end and everyone is held responsible for their choices.


Equality doesn't pertain to anything we're talking about. This is a matter of blackmail and coercion. By engaging in that type of activity, the Deep broke the law. She did not.

If I tell your mother that if she doesn't service me sexually, I'm going to pin a crime on her son, I am threatening her and making her a victim. There are no two ways about it, junior. Quit being a filthy animal.


You're being childish and you suck at analogies.


And you suck at being a person. If you threaten a lady if she doesn't blow you, you don't get to put the blame on her if she agrees to it.


I'm treating Starlight as an equal. Not every dog rolls over when someone snaps their fingers.


There's something wrong with you if you think that. Seriously.


Wow you sure put a lot of thought into that response.
E; in another thread you say rape is okay in some circumstances so I'll file you under troll.


Marketing. She is just a regular girl who happened to have superpowers.
She's not supposed to be anything but a fairly decent person.


I thought she was great. They were just showing how Hollywood, I mean V-corp, corrupts superheroes.


I really like her character


The actress was pretty bland, with a weird shaped face I found distracting, the best actress in season one was Elisabeth Shue who was fantastic.


I somewhat agree, her character and the geek are pretty bland, as is their acting. But not distractingly so, or at least not much. They are weaker links in the chain...


Yes, but when the weaker links are the focus, which has been the case, then it is a distraction. Hopefully they realize that Starlight and High are their least interesting characters and focus more on the others in S2. Although, I doubt it.


Personally can't just be a show about sociopathic personalities..there has to be a balance or it would get old fast..
I don't see Starlight as a Mary Sue..just incredibly naive. I find her likable and the dweeb (the son of Meg Ryan and Dennis Quid) has grown on me.
I know it bores some people but I like the good guys too.


I like her here a lot more than her comic counterpart who is treated like garbage for like 30 books and top of that shes a sexual assault victim its a lot worse in the books. In the books she meets Holander and it starts off fine and then he tells her to suck his penis,Atrain and another supe join in on that. On top of that Homlander tells her she needs to wear a sexier costume and he draws on her breasts how he wants her to look. For awhile shes traumatized. A train comes at her again in later book were she finally stands up to him and takes one of his eyes out. I m fine with her
