MovieChat Forums > Wonder Woman (2009) Discussion > better than the Gal Gadot movie

better than the Gal Gadot movie

Am I the only one who liked this better than the live-action Gal Gadot movie? It's got better action, better humor, better villains, better romance, and most of all, the script came off more daring and intelligent.

The film actually explores gender issues in an intelligent way that doesn't just resort to simple man hating like you would expect. The film actually criticizes both sides of gender extremes to make a point about the importance of trust and communication in relationships. It speaks much more truth about the world than the 2017 film, which just asks the age old question of "Is humanity evil?" in a generic, squeaky clean manner.

Not to mention, these themes also very much fit the Wonder Woman character, as she was one of the earliest feminist pop culture icons. At the time of her conception, she was very much made to be a role model for young girls to kick ass and not take shit from men. It's an uplifting message, but the world has changed a lot since then. So it makes sense that for this day and age, along with getting out the whole "girl power" message, Wonder Woman herself needs to grow and accept the moral and ethical fallacy of the Themyscirans.

It's a clever way to not only update the character of Wonder Woman, but also to make a film that works for both ends of the political spectrum regarding modern day feminism. Overall, great film.


In my experience, all the DC animated movies are better than all the DC live-action movies (with one or two exceptions). Yes this was better than Wonder Woman (2017) and it's not even close. I have genuinely wondered for over a decade now why they don't just get Bruce Timm to reboot the DC movie universe and use the animated movies as a template, would easily give Marvel a run for their money!
I mean damn, once you got the origins done and built up to the justice league, you could pretty much take every 2-part Justice League episode and turn it into a damn movie!


Everything is better than anything the talentless Gadot is in.
