Casting Wonder Woman
My biggest problem with these kind of discussions is that everything is always about physical apperance but that's really the least important thing. These things can be faked. Hair can be dyed. Colored contacts can be made. Muscle can be worked on.
Even height is not that important to me... Remember that Hugh Jackman is almost a foot taller then the character he portrays but few people can argue that doesn't personify Wolverine.
Obviously physical attractiveness is important since she's going to be running around in basically a glorified swimsuit but it shouldn't be the only thing.
Regardless of this, here are two things I think are vital to anyone portraying Wonderwoman.
#1) I think the ideal age for Wonder Woman is 30. I don't want the most powerful woman in the world being played by a college freshman.
#2) I think that Wonder Woman should be portrayed by an unknown (this rules out Megan Fox, Jessica Biel and a lot of other really horrifying choices)
Reflecting this, I'm interested to hear your opinions...