The Burning Paper

So, what was that? When Fiamma had burnt the paper it suddenly flew up in the air... Can I do this? Is it some kind of chemical/physical trick? :))

Poor is the man whose pleasures depend on the permission of another - Madonna


The fire is attracting oxygen. When it gets to the bottom and the fire goes out, the excess oxygen at the bottom is no longer being consumed and creates an updraft (guessing).

Welcome to Costco, I love you...


I wonder if it works with regular paper...


The same trick is performed in Derek Jarman's 'Garden'. It's very cool. In both instances the paper appears to be lighter than regular printing paper. Heavier paper might be too heavy. I'd imagine it would work with newspaper.



The paper used in the film is the wrapping of an Amaretti Biscotti, originally Italian, but popular in Spain.

You can buy them in many shops and delis, eat the biscuit and light the paper...
