Fiamma's character

this bothers me the wholetime watching the movie.
As an aristocrat, she seems to me soo passive,shes stunning and all that but her passiveness is just blahh..shes a aristrocat for heavens sake,how can she let those girls just pushed her away..yes, shes asthmatic i know, but still,like I said shes an aristrocat its kinda odd for her..i was waiting for her moment to confront/climax(not sure of the word) when she proven that Ms G's a fraud. but nothing..shes just like meh, her the subtle expression makes me confuse even more.-_-i mean. at the end Somehow, i agree with Ms G she doesnt meant to live(something along the line like that), becoz she doesnt seem to give a cRap.? or something like that.LOL.

i thought shes very smart but at the end,tsk whatta a weakling i dont know if thats how her role was written. what ever.

i hope im making anysense. Thank u.
