The story takes place in England, not South Africa, and is set in the '30s (not the '50s). Some characters appear to have been excluded, while others have been added (Poppy, Lily, Laurel). Minor details include different hair colours for Di and Fiamma, and things of that nature. I have a feeling that Miss G. will be presented as more feminine and deceptive.
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The murder scene isn't as depicted in the book - no abuse with sticks in body. The girls hit her with sticks though it's due to Miss G's actions that Fiamma dies.
ah good... i really don't need a visual with what happened in the book. they can't do such scene's in movies anyway, certainly not when its about under aged girls.
The book is far more haunting, as you read the entire thing believing that Fiamma merely disappeared one day, never to be seen again!
The book starts out with a re-union of all the girls, who are grown women now.
In the book, it's a SWIM team that actually competes with other schools, but in the film version they're a DIVING team that only competes with eachother.
Also, as has already been mentioned, in the book they're in South Africa, not England; and Fiamma is Italian, not Spanish. Also, the other girls in the book are more clearly defined. In the film, it's only Di, Fiamma, and Fuzzy from the book, with new girls created (like Poppy).
The casting for the film was outstanding, especially Miss G, Fiamma, and Di!
Also, in the book, Miss G isn't particularly EVIL. Yes, she's infatuated with Fiamma, but she has nothing whatsoever to do with the girl's final demise.
Yes, she's infatuated with Fiamma, but she has nothing whatsoever to do with the girl's final demise.
How interesting! Does Miss G have no role whatsoever in the book? In the movie it is clear that she manipulated the students to persecute Fiamma, as it is clear that she kills her. In the book, what is the incentive for the students to chase after Fiamma, beat her up and sodomize her? What is Fiamma's "demise", and how does the book explain her disappearance (if it does)? Does Fiamma die in the book?