Ms. G and Di

It seems at several points the movie hints that Ns. D had molested Di before Fioma came along. Especially toward the end before they chase and beat her when Fioma says you have to know what she did to us or something like that.

That seemed to be the real motivation behind Di's jealousy to me.


As I was watching, I thought the big secret was going to be that Miss G and Di were having a consentual relationship. I still thought that as the Fiamma situation developed and I came to the same conclusion as you that it was why Di was so jealous, but then the ending made me unsure.

To me, Di seemed confused when she saw Miss G molesting Fiamma. And her lashing out at Fiamma for not being a virgin seemed genuine, not just a mean way to shame her when she herself had done the same with Miss G. Also, Miss G seemed so weird about Fiamma that I felt it was her first sexual experience, or at least first time with a student. Just the fact that she waited until her subject was unconcious shows that she was probably too afraid to cross that line ever before, but had finally become unhinged and desperate enough to.

I wish the movie gave a more concrete answer about the nature of Miss G and Di's relationship. And what happened in Miss G's past to make her so troubled. There's so much that goes unsaid!


Thank you for this well thought response. I don't know that I concluded she did it out of jealousy so much as that she did it out of shame because the same thing had happened to her but unlike Fiamma she wasn't willing to tell the whole world about it. Like she needed to shut Fiamma up to avoid being associated with something so shameful.


I didn't get the impression that anything physical happened b/w Di and Miss G, but rather that Di's reaction to what she saw when she spied Fiama and Miss G, indicated what she wanted for herself. Well, maybe she was confused about the physical side of things but she definitely wanted a 'closeness' with Miss G, and wanted to be her favourite again.

She calls what she saw b/w Fiama and Miss G 'disgusting'. That sounded to me like she was shocked, sickened and in a way innocent to that sort of 'intimacy'. If she had previously engaged in a physical relationship with Miss G, I suspect her reaction would be a little different. I can't swear to any of this of course, it's just the impression I got.

Everything I've ever told you has been a lie. Including that - George Spiggott


Remember Di was basically Miss.G favourite until Fiamma came along. Miss G cruelly threw Di and others girls to garbage heap and only used her and her friends when she needed her to make Fiamma life hell. It's not until too late Di and others notice it that Miss.G didn't care for them at all.

I don't think she molested Di, but I think Di was clearly hurt by Miss G who just dropped her for the new girl.I do think she probably had feelings for Miss G as she was still a young girl growing into her sexuality.
