Could of been good.

1) They had moments when CJ Nicholas was called, and we didn't know who it was, and he said he would get the problem solved. This made us know there was something odd about him, and then we expected a twister ending coming along.
2) The acting was unconvincing and just poor.
3) The plot of planting a crime on someone else was used, or similar to the Perfect Stranger, which has been used in many other movies.

Originality and a better cast would have made the movie a success. Also, a major script rewrite would've helped it big time. Also, I think other producers would have made it a financial success with a wide release instead of a small release. This is kind of what happened/is happening with Jackson's The Lovely Bones.


"could of"? I see this a lot on the web. I have to ask. Do they still teach English in grade school?
I'm being serious. Do they?


Same with "you're" in place of "your".

Some time ago, they quit trying to really teach English in schools. It was just too difficult and, after all, the students' self-esteem was more important ("He spelled it incorrectly, but I understood what he was trying to say, so it's okay. The important thing is that he tried.").

Now, if you show up here and speak another language, we'll provide classes in that foreign language. Just don't ask us to teach you English; you don't need that anyway.

Check out Mike Judge's "Idiocracy" sometime.


Loved the "self-esteem" comment. Afraid there is some truth to that.
